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Posts posted by kiwiraka

  1. Being an nz native there isn't much info (apart from this forum) your best bet is to look at videos of freshwater crayfish tanks. All you need to do is keep it cold, filtered but not too much flow on the bottom and make plenty of caves and if you want multiple crays plenty of objects to block line of sight.

  2. Yeah, its been really warm the last few days and its not even properly summer yet, including in my room. Will need to re-assess what i want to do i think. Thanks for the advice guys!

    (On a side note found some awesome Koaro and Torries last night near Kaikoura... all 150mm +!)

    Awesome! I still haven't seen either of them in the wild!

  3. I made up a batch of fish food yesterday and tested it today all my fish loved it even my redfins which are very picky!

    So I was thinking that other native keepers (Or carnivorous fish keepers) can add recipes (make your own up if you wish) and post their results with them, I'll start!

    *300 grams of heart (Cut into small chunks and fat cut off)

    *300 grams of raw prawn (or shrimp) (with tails removed)

    *100 grams of Hikari sinking cichlid gold (ground to powder)

    *half a packet of unflavoured gelatin, I think I used between 50 and 100 grams

    *(optional) 100 grams of fresh snapper (from the days fishing trip)

    Put the heart and prawn (and snapper) in a blender and blend until well mixed, add gelatin and 1/4 to 1/2 of cold water and blend until it starts to thicken.

    Put in plastic bag and chuck in freezer! Can be broken into better sized pieces after 1/2 to one hour.

    Next time I'm planning on not using heart due to reading a lot of negative things about it, anyone have any healthier alternatives?

  4. Good to hear it's going well! Sounds like a smelt, did you sniff it? :wink:

    Bullies eat the same things as other natives, they also learn to accept food rather quickly so they will likely start eating the grated heart quite soon. As with the other fish they will get a fair amount of food from the bugs that fall in the water.

    Happy new year!

  5. So common bullies breeding isn't unusual..... But I was watching my native fish and I saw two bullies spawning (fourth spawn I know of this year) but the unusual part is that the female is from a tidal stream (caught literally metres from the sea) and the male is a very unusual landlocked common bully (he has six fin rays and actually looks more like a crans bully)

    Anyone heard of landlocked and diadromous bullies spawning together?

    I'm positive the male is landlocked, there is no connection to the sea from the lake he is from.

    Also I unfortunately will not be able to remove the eggs, they are on a three foot peice of wood that supports most of the rockwork in the tank.

    EDIT: I just had another look and a second (diadromous) female has started spawning, I would guess that there are now close to a thousand eggs :o

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