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Everything posted by kiwiraka

  1. Shrimp eat tiny amounts of food, they wouldn't dent it.
  2. If its on the surface just scoop it out, I'm not sure about algae killers but adding some more flow will help.
  3. What I lack in science I make up for in a large shaded farm pond
  4. If you have multiple plants you might as well give it a go, but I believe most of our native plants need colder waters.
  5. Unlikely.... P.S shrimp aren't plants :slfg:
  6. It's been brought up a couple of times. I've been looking at shrimp populations on niwa and have found a few dune lakes (No sea connection) contain shrimp. If they have enough food they should breed and grow.
  7. Welcome Are you located in NZ or AU? Since we have similar species the nz native section will likely be helpful for australian natives as well.
  8. Squeeze the cat? What are you using to cycle? Shrimp are good.
  9. WOW..... Just.... WOW!!! :cophot: :nfs:
  10. Maybe try by Middleton road (I'm just guessing with what I see on the niwa website)
  11. Mine just get what they can scavenge that the fish have missed. Yes it should be back to normal after a couple of moults. Give it time, one day they'll all be floating plants
  12. WOW!!! They are awesome!!! (I thought they left a trail of glow, but they release it into the water....)
  13. If it helps at all I found mine on a rock in a medium flow area under a bridge under the highway....
  14. Any luck yet? I think I accidentally brought some home today :oops:
  15. I'm not sure but I don't believe they spend large amounts time in freshwate? Would be cool in a tank! Will be interesting to see replies :spop:
  16. Edit: just checked the website, there aren't any surveys in you specific area, have you tried just typing in "wellington" ? Looking at wellington your best spot to start would be porirua stream, they have bullies (unidentified) and giant kokopu.
  17. Here they are http://m.youtube.com/user/nzbeeman
  18. No problem! Yes ottdurr's videos are cool! Also blueethers videos are good if you can find them, you may have seen them already.
  19. It could do, if there is anywhere with a slow flow there should be some of the more common species. Have you tried the niwa search yet?
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