Kia ora, fish keeping whanau!
Did you know that MPI are completing a review on the Biosecurity Act and that submissions close on the 29 November 2024??
The FNZAS is potentially making a submission, and as fish keepers / aquatickeepers and hobbyists we think your voice should be heard.
I have attached a link which takes you to their page, theres a lot of information to go through and unpack - you can make a submission yourself, but please note that submissions are Public information.
If you wish to supply feedback to FNZAS to add into their submission you can, please email
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Please note that submissions need to be relevant to what they are proposing so please please please read the information.
The consultation package contains proposals that span across a range of areas in the biosecurity system. These proposals have been grouped into six topics:
• System-wide issues;
• Funding and compensation;
• Border and imports;
• Readiness and response;
• Long-term management;
• Legislative interfaces.
Although we may not be individually affected by this - it will have impact on NZ fish and aquatic keeping and imports.
Thanks FNZAS President - Maxine
Here's a Blurb that MPI have on their website
Background information on this consultation and the Act
New Zealand’s biosecurity system helps protect our economy, environment, and people from unwanted pests and diseases.
Our biosecurity system is underpinned by the Biosecurity Act 1993. The Act provides the main legal framework for MPI and other organisations to manage and respond to harmful pests and diseases. The Act provides MPI and other organisations the tools to manage biosecurity risk before it arrives on New Zealand’s shore, at the border, and within New Zealand.
While the Act has served us well for the last 30 years, increasing pressures on the biosecurity system from trade, travel, online purchasing and climate change mean some changes are required to keep the system resilient and fit for the future. We have an opportunity now to strengthen the biosecurity system and make it efficient, cost-effective, and adaptable.
Since 2019, we have talked with key stakeholders (including mana whenua, regional councils, Government Industry Agreement partners, and other government agencies) about potential updates to the Act and key policy issues.
Proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act | NZ Government (