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Everything posted by TmanNZ

  1. it's taken up 3 hides that it keeps rotating around, there's a cave under a rock, in a small flowerpot and on top of a rock under a piece of driftwood, then there's a teeny cave where it stashes it's food...
  2. Just went up to a friends private property which has a small creek that runs through the area. Found a Nice 3cm Koura who is currently in a 20L Bucket and just added a bit of tank water, photos to come!
  3. Alright! So, My aquarium is cycled and all set up! But I the one problem I have just realized, Is there a proper way to introduce Koura or do you just make a 50/50 solution of their stream water and your tank water and is it the same for Bullies? That's all, Thanks! :thup:
  4. I already do that Ira, but it is still a cycling tank... (or maybe it's cycled, haven't checked filter media yet). I guess I'll make a quick glass cover! :happy1:
  5. Just a quick question, I keep losing water from my tank and I suspect it's evaporation, It's not a leak. My tank is just a rectangular glass tank, do I Just need a sheet of glass for a simple cover? Thanks! :f77:
  6. Zealandia is in Karori, isn't it. Went there on a school trip last year, would love to see their/your approach and work when it's finished. Ugh, need some money or to beg someone, it would be great to have your book! Early b-day present for me maybe next year! :bounce: :bggrn:
  7. Are moths suitable as a live food source for any rather medium sized fish? That's pretty much it. Thanks :bggrn:
  8. Nice Tank, Love the look of it, thinking of setting up a little 22L or 30L aquarium along these lines, just need to make a diy air filter for it .
  9. Maybe... thanks for the idea!
  10. I can keep them with a Koura?! :bggrn: hmmm... I'd rather have plants with wcmm then without. Makes them stand out more, well that's what it seems in the LFS Tank with them. I'll have to think, still got a few more weeks to decide :bounce:
  11. So what rule applies to stocking them?
  12. I've currently got a 55L Tank cycling which I was thinking about getting Koura for until I saw some Mountain Minnows in my LFS. I want to know as much about them as possible as when I google them I find their habitat etc but not stuff on keeping them. Are their any special requirements such as heaters or cooling in summer etc. Just anything you know about them, Please post! :bggrn: :thup: :bounce: Thanks!
  13. Here's an awesome pic of my cat Emo! Dunno how he got up there but he got down by himself, gotta love cats!
  14. Yeah that sounds like it, just got a new Sunsun HW-303b which is what is cycling, it's catching on the filter intake, thanks! ill just disturb it and hopefully it will get sucked in! :bounce: :thup:
  15. There's some spiderweb like stuff free floating around my cycling tank. It's like the lint/fluff that builds up on woolen jerseys etc, is it man-made or is it something to do with the aquarium, if can't identify i'll try and get some pics. Thanks! :bggrn:
  16. :iag: Just got a Sunsun HW-303B (rated for 300L) Which is awesome, using it on 55L tank (bit of overkill). The Sunsun HW Series comes with Inbuilt UV sterilisers. The series continues to the HW-403 which is rated for 400, it may seem cheap but it's surely worth it. Only problem is priming it when you first get it and make sure your water levels quite high also the plastic on spray bar/outlet and intake is a bit fragile but treat it with love and respect you should be fine. :bounce:
  17. Im Back an better than ever! Finally got a good filter, the Sunsun HW303B Canister filter! It is now time to cycle it and then to get my single Koura tank up and running!
  18. That's good to know, thanks :bggrn: I've been gathering supplies and I'm almost ready to start, just need some more airline tubing Using Pumice stone, and I'll make a thread when I start and how it works and looks in a tank
  19. What about stainless steel pot scourers as a media... Sorry but just wanting to know
  20. So jam it packed full? Kk Pumice smashing time, will probably start a thread on setting up
  21. I have direct access to pumice and if you get some ceramic media David, I'll be happy to sort out some exchange with lego
  22. I've got everything (maybe need more air lines) so as a temp job till christmas? Awesome :bounce:
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