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Everything posted by superico

  1. sorry for not posting for so long but i have been waiting to get some good pics with my new camera(Nikon D5100) this is only a short update but i will be post more pics and a full update soon these are shots i have taken of my fish to show what they look like high resolution
  2. OK, i have just put in 2g/l. what water changes should i do from now on? i'm planning on leaving it in there for about 3 weeks
  3. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  4. i have started heating and added a pump and will be getting the salt soon. any dosing recommendations and how often should I re dose and how many water changes?
  5. I only have 1 tank and am only allowed 1 tank so no I had no chance to quarantine them. I will post about my progress and hope things will work out. So salt is safe for apistos?
  6. i guess it was one of the fish i got from organism who had i and because mainly the cardinals have it i guess it was them this article suggests otherwise http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/ich.php
  7. i have south american fish i.e carinals(the only ones with it right now), panda cories, bristlenoses, apisto. agassizi, laetacara curviceps and rocket pencilfish so i am unsure that they can handle the salt.
  8. hi all, i have just discovered that my tank is infected with white spot. :an!gry i have looked around on the net to see how to treat it and have found that raising the temperature too 30'C and dosing copper would be my best bet. any advice would be greatly appreciated cheers
  9. thanks the bristlenoses are amazing when they swim because all their fins fold out and it looks like they double in size the pencil fish have started getting red and blue anal fins and its quite spectacular to have a closer look at them
  10. So this Thursday I got my last(hopefully not) bach of fish for now: 9 more cardinals 4 rocket pencil fish 1 male red long fin bristlenose 1 more male laetacara curviceps but it looks like its a female and her and my male are a pair. + some anubias to grow half above, half below the water. full school of cardinals male laetacara curviceps full color 4th above water leaf and last but not least a good pic of the female agassizi
  11. or reflect the sun of your phone
  12. thanks!!! Joe: i will look into blackworms I finally managed to get a half decent pic of my super camera and people shy, male laetacara
  13. thanks :gigl: any suggestions for fancy feeding?
  14. Have fun :thup: :thup: :thup:
  15. Does anyone have any suggestions on special stuff I could feed my fish???????? e.g. Joe fed his macmasteri some yeast a while back and that was intriguing.
  16. thanks, did a water change today and fed my fish mosquito larvae afterwards (camera was on a weird angle) full tank shots terrestrial plants echinodorus argentenis??? 3 leaves have grown out of the water and the munted one
  17. good luck in germany, i grew up there and the aquatic trade there is amazing. cardinals are the neons there. they sell for 2 euros each. the best store for anything pet wise is koele zoo
  18. thanks I will remember that. :thup: Petworld didn't label it so I was unsure what it was. :facepalm: . rotala seemed like the best bet> will do :thup: :thup:
  19. sorry for not updating for so long. so what's happened: I moved the hygropholia to cover the whole back glass and the rotala to the left side under the spray bar. I got the echinodorus quadricostatus and planted it in the front of the tank. I brought 10 cardinals(plus another 10 which I will pick up in 2 weeks) (they got really pale during transport but colored up after half an hour in the tank) I got a pair of double red apistogramma agassizi Male: (excuse the snail) Female Together: and a pic of the laetacara getting black spots
  20. organisms has them too. i got myself a pair today
  21. organisms usually has really amazing bettas for example they had two white crowntails today !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool:
  22. is it bad if his fins are getting black spots on them
  23. i think it's just a different type of tank(so to say) its a regular low tech planted tank and most of the others are high tech high effort high quality professional aquascapes
  24. its funny how in every category there are 1-2 tanks that seem to be in it to troll them e.g. http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2012/show237.html no offense intended
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