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Everything posted by breakaway

  1. breakaway

    New nano

    Hmm, Ive got no idea, but It works for me, so I suggest it to most people who are having problems. Some image hosts do not allow hotlinking.
  2. breakaway

    New nano

    Here are his photos Use Imageshack
  3. I have a question for you people with DIY CO²: How do you regulate how much CO² goes into your tank?
  4. You ppl take yur water for granted - where I come from, drinking water from the tap without boiling/filtering it is just asking for trouble. NZ Water
  5. Why dont you use imageshack.
  6. I can see that most of use do not use water additives Where do you get your drinking water from ?
  7. Its not going to be that expensive - get a drill, drill holes, get a filter/pump, get a heater. A 150w should do the trick. Why is it too late? Cant he get a drill and just drill holes? Or is there a special procedure?
  8. Why dont you try cascading your EDIT: 5 partitions? You can put in a heater on the bottom most partition. Then get a filter or pump and position the intake near the heater, and position the spray bar or outlet on the highest compartment. Then drill holes in the partitions so the water would overflow into the lower compartments. In addition you could also run box filters if you like. If this wont work, please tell me why, I have been wanting to employ this idea.
  9. Nope, straight from the kitchen sink tap into a bucket then into the tank. I have not had any mass deaths so far, Ive had the occassional fish death though. Although, one of my pregnant guppies died yesterday, because of dropsy. Now the 2nd female (pregnant also) is showing similar signs and looks very lethargic. I had moved her into the new tank which I imagine is not yet cycled properly, to prevent her from being chased to death by the males. I guess the stress of being chased around in the fish tank by a net (try catching a guppy in a heavily planted aquarium) was too much for her, and also the shock of moving her to the new tank. I wanted to ask: What If I take out the sponge that is on my Shark 1 Internal filter, and take out the filter that is in the new tank, and then squeeze the grimy water out of the Shark's sponge onto the new power filter's sponge, will it make the cycling faster because the bacteria from the Shark (taken from an established aquarium) will impregnate the new filter sponge and therefore establish bacteria colonies faster than they would have formed naturally. Secondly, I wanted to ask how long it takes a tank (25L) to cycle if I put 4-5 guppies in it?
  10. Hi Again, I just wanted to do this poll so I could tell how small I have to make my pics so most of you can enjoy them on your screen. If your screen resolution is not stated, please select one that is closest. How to find out your screen resolution: 1. Right Click on your Desktop and select "Properties" 2. Then select the "Settings" tab I use 1280x1024 on my 19'' Monitor (Which I bought on TradeMe for $100 :lol:) Thanx in Advance breaka\/\/ay
  11. I live in AKLD Mt. Roskill, I have never tested my water or used Additives. Is water particularly bad here in AKLD?
  12. breakaway


    Oh, I was under the impression that Albino Cories were just cories with White colouration, Oh well, I have learnt something new, and now I feel 8) Haha
  13. Hi Guys, I recently purchased a fish bowl from TradeMe (wanted the heater) and when I picked up the item I was given a lot of water additives like De-Chlorinators and water agers etc etc. I was just wondering, how many of you use water conditioners for your water? I myself have never used any water conditioners, and my aquarium has turned out to be just fine. Thanx
  14. Excellent photos Billany, and congratulations
  15. Wow, 3 weeks, thats heaps. Was the ambient temperature warm?
  16. Here is one of my young male guppies: This photo is by far one of the best I ever took Here are the full grown male and female:
  17. Sadly, the disease prooved too much for the fish, and she expired this morning. The fry died with her as well. Thanx for your help Alan, it is much appreciated.
  18. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys could tell me the names of some carpet plants that are readily available in Auckland, besides java moss.
  19. Yet another excuse to buy another tank :lol:
  20. But wont that disturb the plants and maybe kill them? Because of the pressure from the gravel vac. Besides, I thot plants needed that crap to live, right?
  21. Oh No, she will take the fry with her
  22. Whats wrong with the female guppy in the photo below? You can see a little bit of blood in the guppy's stomach (some sort of red liquid that resembles blood.) And here is a bit of poo thats been hanging off the guppy for the past 1½ days. Why is this happening? Is the guppy in labor?
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