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    175.00319, -36.88760

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  1. 40cm for the big ones, most of the big ones will max out at about 30cm.
  2. There are a number of options, you could get arowana's, cichlids, giant gourami's, etc.
  3. Looking good. Can't wait to see what you end up doing after a re scape while moving them.
  4. Looking good. I have always wanted to keep them, but they have never got along with my other fish.
  5. New pupuke got some gold fighters in Yesterday, they may still be available.
  6. New Pupuke has some nice altolamprologus compressiceps fire fin.
  7. Welome. Remember the only dumb question is the one that you didn't ask.
  8. It isn't on the allowable import list as far as I can see. (or at least the copy of it that is saved to my computer)
  9. My preparations for christmas involve fattening up my fish, and doing extra water changes so that they will be fine when I am away for two weeks without feeding them.
  10. To the best of my understanding double/tripple paned windows are just layers of glass with air in-between them. Air is a relatively bad conductor of heat, so as the air is trapped in the glass and can not form convection currents, or blow away it is a good form of insulation. In the same way as a jumper is good at keeping you warm, not because the wool is a good insulator (although it is not bad) it is the air that is trapped between the fibres.
  11. Welcome back. Looking forward to see update pictures of your tank as you set it up.
  12. Haha, yup, and for that reason the oscar must go. (along with the rest of my large cichlids)
  13. I have been saving up for a new graphics card and monitor for my computer all this year, and finally got around to spending my money. It is so pretty...... "Sapphire bue hi back golden arowana" It may not be the prettiest of fishes, but I am super excited to have got it.
  14. calculator


    Welcome to the forum, will be interesting to see what you end up doing with the tank.
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