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Everything posted by WillskE

  1. is there a post here some where that illustrates the items i need to acquire for a co2 setup?
  2. co2 we talking about the gas tanks not diy ones eh?
  3. i am redesigning my 120x40x50 planted tank, its been running with just plain gravel and i really want to turn it into semi hi-tech so the plants really bloom what substrates should i get? a few JBL ones from HFF or are there alternatives
  4. mhm well then mine seems completely off, it looked like the weavey ones from google images at an earlier point but now its all like fuzzed up
  5. well from how it looked i thought it'd be easy to pick up and remove but it was rather hard to even get a small amount as it breaks up and its so little that you arent even sure if you had got any but here is some..
  6. its only on the moss tho, so could that be the problem?
  7. thanks for all the replies will attempt to try them all
  8. after googleing hair algae i do believe that is the case, is the tooth brush method the only way?
  9. at first it looked nice growing on the java moss but now i dont know how to get rid of it... it breaks up when you try to pick it off? its actually dark green colored
  10. i don't think it would take more than 1 or 2 little roaches for the fly spray poison to take effect on the fish but yea.. now that the females actually gone males back from depressed mode
  11. i wanted to but the male is quite aggressive, took a whole month till he calmed down enough for the female to settle her mouth is full of jaw fighting scars.. and at first the female was only 25cm when i got it then she got real food hungry and out grew the male just by tiny bit.
  12. yea..i had a feeling it was a bad idea T_T but there was just sooooo many of those pinky nail sized roaches running around and the spray was instant kill so i thought to just spray away from the tank but i suppose some resilient ones crawled into the tank and died maybe?
  13. yea.. i was about to take it out of the tank and bury her then i saw a flinch and i was surprised, but yea i remember having to look all around for atleast year and a half to find that female large enough to go with my male
  14. yea shes gone, just few minutes after i posted it, i take it as she wanting to see me one last time before she leaves..
  15. edit* holy crap its actually still alive but barely, motionless and slight bent? and very very faint breaths i doubt it can be saved.. anything i should do? put it out of misery?
  16. just lost my large 40cm female jag this morning, not 100% sure why but started noticing it just stopped on bottom yesterday when it usually very active on the top, i suspect its from poisoned cockroaches that fell in the tank when i sprayed the room as its got a big roach problem... now its just the one male jag alone in a 900L tank
  17. so how many led would i get for a 10 liter or a 30liter
  18. oh cool, didnt know even a standard lighting is also enough for plants as well
  19. I want to re build my 200l tank into a nice planted tank but i want to try something small easier to manage, so i have a 20x23x20 and a 45x25x25 tank that i want to try planting before moving on to large tank? the big tank i already have 4x t5ho 54w's but im dont know what type on small lighting i could get for tanks those size?
  20. i actually made one in my 200L with leaf stoppers for gutters from bunnings turns out nice for a while but took it out cause it builds up alot of dirt.. and the moss thats in the start bottom layer dies off as it grows out cause new stuff blocks all the light
  21. probably about 3months ago i brought two scarlet badis's and put them in my 200 liter well planted tank, and just few days later i couldn't find them anymore at first couple of days i saw them chased by electric blue rams so i assume they got killed and i was sad... &c:ry (in my tank its often that fish die and are never found...) then now months later my rams got hole in head and are now gone this lil guy reappeared that feeling when you thought the fish was gone and it reappears after a long while. :thup:
  22. well..it's been 3days that i haven't seen that blue ram pretty sure its gone. tho i have yet to find its body..and now some how the remaining blue ram caught the hole in head as well... keeping blue rams are tough
  23. well thanks for all the in put guys now i know theres nothing i can do about it
  24. sigh that's alright i guess...at least it doesn't affect the others =/ what are the life expectancy of electric blues? i've had over 7of them pass few years and non seem to live pass 2years..all seem to get some kind of sickness (usually get skinny and have red stuff at poop hole) and die off
  25. oh...so its deadly..is it infectious? to same or different species"?
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