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Everything posted by doch

  1. doch


    i used to work next door to lundia years ago and they made wooden shelving but i would not trust it for a fish tank its more decrotive stuff like crieterion furniture
  2. starting a marine or tropical fish store is not silly if some people want to get it together as fish are really take off in new zealand
  3. i could come over and get some fish
  4. sheez ira why do you live in wellington ?
  5. i have mine just below the water line with a hole on the inflow just above the waterline in case of pump failure then no back syphon but i do have a non return valve on the line anyway
  6. doch

    some thing wrong

    well tryed my best but tiger barb floated to the top this morning
  7. doch

    twisted val

    saw some val yesturday in jansens buy 5 for $1.95ea and get 2 for free
  8. doch

    some thing wrong

    one of my tiger barbs has a fairly big scrape on the side of him just below the dorsel fin and has some white around the the wound he looks like he has been in a fight i have put some melafix in the tank any ideas i have never had any diseases before ?
  9. doch


    ok thanks guys for the advice have been looking at the peacocks
  10. cold and wet and windy in auckland never )
  11. doch


    hi christine welcome
  12. hey great pic i must get one of my 2 going out mining together they both pick up rocks and deposit them everywhere
  13. well great to see i am not the only one to get it wrong
  14. doch

    twisted val

    hope they are cheap in southhampton
  15. doch

    twisted val

    well the clowns had a go at it but so did my angels
  16. doch


    i think i want to turn my 3 footer into a cichlid tank malawi's and i want some faily aggresive ones what is the best choice ?
  17. doch

    fish food

    mine love cucumber and i gave them some lettuce to keep them off the plants and they scoffed that up as well
  18. what do people feed their tropical fish i feed mine on blood worms,shrimp pellets, brine shrimp and some cucumber
  19. doch


    overflow is not a problem i have replaced it with a waterwerks pump 4800 litres an hour 2 metre head
  20. doch


    my sump pump gave up last night any sugestions on a replacement one the one i have pumps around 3600litres an hour with a metre head
  21. my sump holds around 60-70 litres
  22. doch

    calcium hydroxide

    hey steve you have a uv drip beside your bed
  23. doch


    in my opinion if one part is going to leak strip the lot and do the whole tank
  24. doch


    also look in kmart under beer kegs
  25. doch


    go to payless plastics they have alosrts of them or bunnings
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