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Everything posted by doch

  1. if you look at my tank steve its very similar in design it would look great like that one
  2. doch

    furry stuff

    i dont have many plants at all maybe u could suggest some to put in as for fertiliser dont use any at all
  3. doch

    new photo's

    photo's i have put some phot'os on my web site i think i have done it right please some feed back :lol:
  4. doch

    furry stuff

    ok have tryed flourish exel it got ot down ok then i got some flying foxes to keep it down but i think they got eaten by the other fish do i keep using the flourish exel
  5. any suggestions on how to get rid of blackbeard algae
  6. doch

    backing paper

    it makes a huge diferrence if it is stuck well to the tank
  7. doch

    new stand finished

    hey got it back today in stiple black was worthe the $29 slab of beer it looks magic
  8. doch

    backing paper

    yes that is what i am trying to avoid is bubbles makes it look like crap
  9. my filter wet dry pumps 3600 litres an hour the clowns love swimming in the current even the the tiger barbs go with it and then swim against it
  10. doch

    backing paper

    has anyone got any ideas on how to stick the backing on a tank and get all the bubbles out and make the backing stay there and have it removable as well ?
  11. doch

    new stand finished

    will do stand has gone to powder coating today be back tomorow sheez this busines is exspensive nothing for the steel tubing my free labour to make it and a slab of beer for the boys to powder coat it 8)
  12. hi guys well i just got my new stand welded up at work for my 160 litre tank tonight and its off to the powder coaters tomorow should have it back friday then i can start on getting it up and running and transfer my fish
  13. hi arron good to see another member great to see more fish lovers on here
  14. hey was in taka and devenport on sunday wish i kwew where you guys live i could stop in and steal some ideas
  15. doch

    marine advice

    well as you can imagine i am in not to much of a hurry to do this as i want to do it rite
  16. doch

    marine advice

    hey guys thanks for the advice but i dont go out and buy stuff willy nilly i hunt around first thats why i asked you fellows first cos you know
  17. what you have an electric blanket for your fish caryl
  18. doch

    marine advice

    see i no nothing about it now
  19. mine is a tronic from germany 300 watt there are some cheap ones out there but as everyone says buy best first
  20. you can get 2 heaters in case one fails (never had that myself) but i have mine in the sump as it gets it out of the tank the tank is for fish not heaters and filters
  21. by rule of thumb 1 litre per 1 watt
  22. doch

    marine advice

    well went to hollywood nice place they are building a huge new tank in there but checked out all the gear and filtration (MY SUMP SHOULD BE OK) my sump is the same as they use skimmers they had were aquacare ones coral rock $10kg
  23. doch

    marine advice

    i have never been to the albany store so i can take mum out and impress her after all she has the purse strings
  24. doch

    marine advice

    sheez all that sounds exspensive
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