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Posts posted by Pegasus

  1. As far as I could see... the two sets of pics looked the same.

    If there "were" differences.. and they "were" from a different time scale.. then by all means Shiuh... re-post them and I will remove all these erroneous posts and just leave yours at the start.

    You say:

    this part of the post has not changed

    but it is relevent to the topic...

    Perhaps this was the part I saw and considered it a double post... (it was around midnight he he)

    Personally.. if the pics "were" different.. then they would have been better with the others in the Members area side by side (or above and below).. to show the before and after views.

    The link could still have been here.. and the discussion could still take place here... I can't see the prob.


  2. Your post was discussed with the mods before it was removed, and it was confirmed as a double post.

    Anyone clicking on the link above can see your pics... and anyone that cares to,.. can discuss your setup here.

    You say:

    whilst the freshwater members tanks section is solely for members to view. i have joined the forum long enough to know the rules

    Then I think you had best read them again.

    ANY Member (FNZAS or otherwise).. can VIEW the pics in the FW Members section... but only members of the FNZAS can POST their pics there.

    I too have been here long enough Shiuh.. and all I and the other mods do is to work to the guidelines and to make things fair for everyone.

    If you are unhappy with this, then I suggest you contact Warren, as he confirmed my action was the correct one.


  3. You can use a length of plastic covered curtain wire.. and use the hook on the end to attach a bit of cleaning pad.. like the Scotch Brite pads.. and drag it through. :)


  4. Threads Moved Here From Other Sections.

    There are a number of old posts that I have dragged out from other sections.

    These may be of help..

    but please take note of the dates when the threads were started.. as some could be quite old, and incidents mentioned may not apply now.

    If you spot a topic elsewhere on the site that applies to this forum, please inform a Mod with the link and it could be moved here.

    Come on you guys...

    You were screaming out for this forum.. so let's get some pics posted and interesting threads running.


  5. Personally I would empty around half of the water to remove any bow that there might be in the glass.. then position your temp wooden brace.. making it a fairly tight fit... then re-silicone the glass brace and leave 24hrs.

    Being a small seam it should be cured enough by then to hold.. so you can top the tank up.

    No harm in leaving the wood there for an extra day just to make sure.


  6. You missed them all... they've all gone to bed :):) (The Welcoming Committee that is ha ha. )

    Hi Mark.. and welcome to the NZ Fishroom.

    You are in the right place to get all that interest back again.. as there's lots to read and learn here.. plus there's a Coldwater section for Goldies and such.

    Hope you enjoy your visits... but you look like you are doing that already.. as you have been here a week :)

    Bill (Pegasus NZ)

  7. Which brings me to a new a question, what are the main indicators that she is about to give birth?

    Watch the "Gravid Spot"... the dark bit near the vent.

    The darker it gets.. the closer she is.

    Quite often you can actually see the eyes of the young peering out :)


  8. Hands:

    I suspect there arnt too many cold water enthusiasts out there, but i would think alot would have a cold water tank in there collection.


    I suspect that the number of cold water enthusiasts per available cold water species is much greater than the number of tropical enthusiasts per available tropical species.

    It is a known fact, that a vast majority of fishkeepers in NZ ... possibly thousands... (both coldwater and otherwise).. are unaware that this site even exists.. and we get people arriving almost daily that have kept fish in NZ for decades, that are completely unaware that there was a collection of fish enthusiasts so close to their fingertips... or that they had access to such a vast library of knowledge so close to home on the Internet.. so it would be "very" hard to put an accurate figure on it.

    There are also many hundreds that refuse to .. (or can't).. join this or any other site.. or even join a club.. so this is another aspect.

    Then there are the specialised breeders that we never hear of or see.. that breed all manner of tropicals and fancy goldfish.. and the "loners" that just like to do it their way... which are again numbers that can't be accounted for... and we have the ones that keep fish.. but don't have a computer.. or access to one.

    We have .. (had).. possibly twenty or thirty (or more).. regular marine keepers... but let's face it.. there are many more than that in NZ.

    Think about your own situation....

    How long have you kept fish for...?

    Now think about when you first discovered this site..?

    Often the two can be years apart.. but word gets around faster these days :)


  9. Let's just clarify something here...

    Are you trying to upload pictures of your tanks or fish into the "FRESHWATER MEMBERS TANKS.. or the SALTWATER MEMBERS TANKS" Sections... or are you trying to upload pics just into the various general forums on the site...?

    If you are referring to the later situation... then you should have no prob uploading pics provided you follow the guidelines posted here...

    http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/postin ... t2406.html

    Welcome to the NZ Fishroom guys... have fun.


  10. Two posts in six months....

    We will have to change that... that's for certain.. :):)

    Welcome to the Fishroom.

    Now we need to know "all" about those tanks and fish.


  11. You can also use plantpots.. (plastic or otherwise).. that have a thin covering of silicone.. then rolled in gravel so that the gravel adheres to the pot.

    Gives a nice natural look.. and once they start turning a little green.. they blend in real nice.

    Be adventurous... experiment a little.

    Paying for "CAVES".. is definitely a no no.. :)


  12. If you haven't used the correct sealant... ie:.. One suitable for Aquarium Use.... then the patch "may" not be adhered to the front glass correctly.

    It "may" look to be sealed.. but apart from "sealing" the area.. it "may" need to flex slightly... depending on where the crack is located.

    Once cured.. it could literally drop off the front of the glass.. as can happen if the sealer you have used goes hard and brittle.

    It might be ok... but if you have used builders sealer.. or something even more nasty .. :)... I would keep a close watch on it.


  13. Rule number one when going away on holiday...

    "DON'T advertise the fact that you are going away for X number of days"

    We have had cases on here of people leaving their homes for just an hour or so.. and returning to find their fish stocks cleaned out.

    Have a good break.. and take care.


    If your tank is well established with a good growth of plant and algae... then the fish will be fine for a week or ten days without food.

    Just don't make the mistake of pouring in heaps of food just prior to you leaving... it will get left and polute your tank.


  14. Hi Becc,

    You have a couple of choices.

    It might be possible to put a patch over the affected area.. say around 50mm square.

    You can apply this either to the empty tank.. or to the full one.. and you do it from the "Inside".. not from the outside.

    Clean the area of algae and film.

    Get the square of glass.. apply a coating of silicone sealer around three mill thick.. then place in position and apply a little pressure until the silicone oozzes out from the patch.

    Just leave it there and it will self cure.. either under water.. or out of it.

    With the patch on the back glass.. you won't even notice it after a week or so of algae and plant growth.

    If the crack (or whatever it is).. is on the front glass as you say.. then it may be possible to turn the tank around if the rear is unpainted.

    Alternative two...

    Strip the front glass out and replace it.

    Take care now :)


  15. Spider said:

    I've been intending to do a step by step guide for beginners, but I just haven't found the time yet

    There are that many instructions on this subject already in place that another one would hardly be required.

    Caryl has listted the main one.

    Sub asked:

    how do i add photos off my computer tho? is it just eg C:\Users\Pictures\Pictures\2007-03-25 and have the image bit on each side?

    You can't add pics "directly" from your hard drive..

    You need your pics hosted on a website.. like Photobucket (free).. or your own webspace that your ISP provider allows you when you open an account with them.

    Read the relevant posts here and on the FNZAS Website forum and you will understand a bit more clearly.



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