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Posts posted by Pegasus

  1. Scott said:

    sadly another has just died so im wantng to buy some more i have changed water and fed less tonight so hopeflly these last 3 live

    Worst thing you "could" do... until you have established why the fish are dying in the first place.

    So many people do this after losing fish... (replace them with others so soon).. but in many cases you are throwing money down the loo.

    Follow the advise you asked for... then give it a week or so until you are sure things are right... then just add a couple of fish at a time to gradually build your stock back up.

    For the price of three decent Guppies... you could buy a basic test kit... which will possibly last longer than the three Guppies you buy... if there is something seriously wrong with your water conditions.

    Patience is the biggest lesson to be learned in fishkeeping


  2. There was a member in Dargaville who went into this in a big way.

    She advertised in the shops... supermarkets,... pet shops and so on.. and even got the LFS on Campbell St to support her for meetings and such... but nothing eventuated.

    You have to look at the layout up here...

    Members live often hours apart, and getting members to agree on a fixed location and time is always going to be hard.

    Look at it another way...

    If it were arranged down here for us all to meet at the local hall in Phia.. or Manguturoto... or Waipu... would you turn up for say a 7:30pm meeting with little hope of getting home before midnight due to the distance...?

    Hope you work it out... they have tried for long enough.... but the nearest one is over the Shore.


  3. Hi Evie,

    Don't know exactly what Michael is referring to...

    Just a suggestions next time would be a good idea to combine all your questions into one thread.

    ... as your question is a separate issue from your other posts... (Plants... and Water Probs)... so don't be concerned.... as this is what the site is for.... to ask questions.... so... what you say is correct in this case.

    I'm brand new so thought I would have to have different threads for different requests

    Putting too many questions in one post gets confusing... as by the time a few replies are made... most of your questions would be possibly overlooked.

    Like... if you started talking about a sick fish you had in this thread... then it would not be the thing to do.. as the topic is your Filter system... which could go here or in the Technical section... but as you say... you are "Brand New".. as you put it... so this section is correct.... and you "would" start a new thread in the correct section for other problems not concerning this one.

    Welcome to the Fishroom BTW...:)

    Why not go to the Welcome Section and tell everyone about yourself..:)

  4. A bit like fish I suppose... some say don't put this with that.. Don't do this... but others do and get away with it.

    In the mid 1960's when the first silicone sealers appeared.. they said it was impossible to build a tank without a frame.. but being one of the early pioneers of AGT's in the UK I... and others proved it was possible.

    Back then we didn't use top strips for extra strength.. and most tests were done with trial and error... but Pilkington's (where I used to get my glass).. thought it was brilliant.. :)

    Bill, Next time your in Auckland

    :):) Housebound

    The chances of a tank "shattering" is remote.. as most accidents are caused through poor construction.. and invariably the glass would .. either crack.. or give way at the seams.

    As I said above...

    Sure... if you have a lot of traffic... with people banging things around and knocking the glass... then use something heavier... but if they are for the seclusion of a fishroom with limited access... then 3mm is fine... IMO

    My tank building days are over... but for normal houshold use.. I wouldn't use 3mm on tanks of this size.


    Moving this to Technical Section.

  5. Don't understand why you claim 3mm glass is inadequate.

    These tanks are 600X300 wide by 450 deep.. and are all 3mm glass... and at one point I had 40 of them running for around eighteen months .. without mishap.

    http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/grumpy ... 0Tanks.htm

    Sure... if you have a lot of traffic... with people banging things around and knocking the glass... then use something heavier... but if they are for the seclusion of a fishroom with limited access... then 3mm is fine... IMO :)

  6. Nothing wrong with drilling and pegging the small structures together to create "any" shapes that come to mind.. but you can make caves from the dozens of methods posted here.. like using bits of pipe covered in silicone glue... then rolled in gravel to make them look natural... or the "Coconut" shell type ones that have a thread running at the mo.

    Bits of roof tile make good structures if stacked and secured correctly.

    You don't want large pieces crashing down and smashing the glass... :)

  7. You can use a standard masonary drill bit to drill the rock... and you can use either lengths of plastic or wooden dowel (Rawlplugs from the hardware shop work).. to hold the rocks where you want them.

    Make sure that the dowels are a good hammer fit in the rock ... then push the next rock on firmly and knock into place with a wooden block if needed.

    Using this method you will need no glues of any sort.

    Your drill needs to be on SLOW SPEED... and if you have a drill stand... it will make things easier.

    A Hammer Drill would speed things up.

    Take care now...:)

  8. Richms sais:

    The linked images are way smaller then the width of my screen??
    They possiblty "do" fit acrioss your screen... but the average viewing area for most members is 1024 x768.. (This is FULL SCREEN))......Pics needs to be about 640x480...).... the ones above are over 1024 wide........so we need to cater to the average needs... not just the ones with the latest flat screens viewing at 1280x720 and higher.

    So what resolution are "you " viewiing at...?

    Read the guisdelines.... there's plenty of referecnces to the acceptable size.

    Can' really see the prob... as Photobucket does the resising automatically if you set it up..... do it once and forget it.


  9. Amazonian said:... with ref to Mollies...

    Thes fish should be kept at a minimum of 26 degrees Centigrade.

    Not doubting your word... but what about all the Mollies in the wild... (See Great Molly Hunt articles)

    Nobody takes those out over the winter.. and yet the survive.... quite well by the look of the pics that were taken of the members who caught them.


  10. Please read the Guidelines before you proceed with this venture.

    No posts are to be made with the intention of forming a bulk purchase or import by invite to meet a minimum order quantity . The FNZAS website is not to be used in any way for any individual or business to prospect customers or form a buying group. This is also extended to other websites using this site to contact our members with the intention of prospecting new members.



  11. Find a short length of Polystyrene pipe as used for plumbing.

    Cut a length slightly longer than the fish and submerge it against the front glass... but with one end "almost" touching the end glass of the tank.

    He will soon investigate.. and once you see him go in... just gently slide the tube up against the end glass and block off the other end.... then slowly raise it to the surface and do your checkover.

    Works for Eels... Pleco's... Catfish... Knives and Elephants... give it a go. :)


  12. Caper asked:

    Would they get that size in an aquarium?

    Well... there's small aquariums... and there's big ones... and you would need a big one to get these to around that size.

    Tanks around three foot deep and more are not unusual for keepers that are dedicated to seeing these fish as good as captivity will allow.

    The ones I had in the UK were around 12" .. (300mm).. tip to tip.. and they were in a four foot deep tank... and still growing :)

    This is a nice bit of reading on the conditions needed.


    Like many other species... these fish (if they are indeed "true" Altums).. should only be released to someone who will be dedicated in keeping the breed true... and not just throwing them in with the normal Angels and allowing them to cross breed.

    Good one Amazonian... Would love to see some better pics :)


  13. Gannet said:

    the box turtles that i found were manly betwen 10-15cm here is an average pic for ya, i have better just photo bucket isnt my friend with slow internet(53kbs)

    Best way to use Photobucket (PB)... is to use it in conjuction with FLOCK... which is downloadable on the PB page.

    With "FLOCK" you can select as many pics as you want off your drive and just get Flock to handle them.

    It will upload all your pics into the area you specify... and "YOU DON"T HAVE TO DO A THING"... it does it all for you.


  14. Get a few sheets of "Kitchen Roll" and drag a single sheet across the surface.

    Repeat until surface is clear.

    Film usually comes from additives in the food you are feeding.. or sometimes from plants that have not been cleaned before putting in the tank.

    If you have Anabantids... (Gouramies... Bettas etc)... it is very important to keep the surface clean... as they are surface breathers.


  15. You can join any club that takes your fancy, and even be a member of several clubs if you like.

    Your local one is:

    Dunedin Aquarium & Pond Society

    If you enjoy attending meetings... then you should consider this.. but most clubs send a newsletter out that will keep you informed.

    If the club you select is a member of the FNZAS... then you will recieve a year book plus the Aquarium World mag that Caryl produces and distributes. (quarterly I believe)

    Caryl will be able to answer more fully.. but seeing it was late I let you know the basics :)

    Click on the FNZAS logo at the top left of this page.

    Follow it through and you will find a list of the clubs and contact details.


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