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Posts posted by Pegasus

  1. Hi there 2fishy,

    You say:

    PLEASE dont generalise.I take care of the fish dep at Animal Antics in Tauranga

    Not "generalising" by "any" means.

    Just take some time to read some of the posts by members here that have.. either recieved poor information.. or been sold something unsuitable to their needs... be it equipment or fish.

    You, as an individual may do as you have mentioned.. but it would be true to say that many of the stores are staffed by persons that don't have a clue about the hobby... and many "have" to use unskilled staff on weekends or at busy times.

    Several months back I was in a store looking for Guppies, plus some pump parts.

    The owner was there, and jumped on me almost as soon as I walked in the door with the general..

    "Can I help you"..

    After politely telling them I wanted to look around.. I spotted some fish I wanted.

    To cut this short.. the owner came over and five minutes later there were several fish injured in the tank due to the net being thrashed from one end of the tank to the other.

    I walked away and said I'd changed my mind.. but spotted some similar ones in another tank.

    The owner rushed to get them.. (using the same wet net BTW).. and I said.. "I'LL catch them thank you"

    The owner walked away red faced and left me to it.

    The pump parts..

    When I bought the pumps there, they said there would be no prob with spares like Diaphrams etc.. but on the day.. they said they had "never ever" stocked these parts.. but were happy to sell me a new pump.. of the same type.

    No 2fishy.. not generalising.. but having recieved similar treatments in the large centres.. I can only post from my point of view.

    You say:

    as i dont buy in the pacus either coz whos gonna have a big enough tank??

    Lots of people have.. and for those that can provide for them it is fine.. which is what this topic is about.


  2. Hi there Lynne,

    No restriction on pics in the area you mention.. but as stated.. you "do" need somewhere that will store your pics.. like photobucket..

    Once you have a place .. copy the link.. then start your post here.. then click the "img" tag twice.. then paste your link between the two tags...

    eg: color]

    Your pic will be displayed.

    You say:

    Also tried finding a way to contact a moderator

    Can't see the prob here.

    All mods can be contacted through the PM (Private message) system.. which is at the base of every post they make... even you have a flag that says "PM" at the base of your posts.

    Just click on the one you want to send the PM to.. and continue as if making a normal post.



  3. Why re-invent the wheel... your other one looked fantastic IMHO :)

    Can't help with the pump.. but I would think the head height might be a prob unless you are prepared to spend a bit on quality.


  4. Had a word with the Admins regarding this, and Cees said:

    "Argus heating 455 St Asaph Street Christchurch"

    would be ok I guess


    "Argus heating 455 St Asaph Street Christchurch

    phone xyz, email@xyz"

    would not be ok.

    I prefer not to have phone numbers, email and street addresses posted on the site by anyone other than the person this data points to.


  5. I think we have been down this road before Kookie... and "no".. I don't know why the Port Nick Glass details were removed.. but the "Guidelines" say..

    We ask that you post no personal information (real name, e-mail, etc…) concerning another user without that person’s express written permission.

    Looks pretty reasonable.. and it seems to me that it is more concerned about "Members" than companies that can be found in the phone books or on the net... (Note the word USER)


    Member "Mighty Man" (fictitious example).. has not posted on here for ages.. but you.. (or someone).. happens to know his "true name and details"

    Now saying on the open forum that ..

    "Oh yep.. MM.. His name is Jim and he lives at Somename St in Papakura, and you can contact him on.. XXXXXXX... and you can email hin on... etc etc.."

    Is DEFINITELY against the rules.

    I don't think the staff in general are going to jump on your head for pointing out a certain company where you can buy a certain fish related product.. provided it is just brief details... no phone or email details.

    Many members use an "alias" because they want a certain degree of privacy.

    Most companies want the opposite and don't have a "Guess my name" ad in the Yellow Pages :)


  6. u can to go the natural way use barley straw or barley straw extract.

    This is a very old remedy.

    One of the locals had a dam that was absolutely choked with algae and looked like it was full of green soup..

    He had tried all manner of things.. even draining and re-filling at one time.

    Suggested he throw a bale of barley straw in there.. which he did after a bit of laughter and persuasion.

    The dam was cleared in no time.. and when the bale was removed for replacement (months later).. it was just one huge slimy blob.. but the alge was under control.


  7. Hi Margaret.. Glad you made it :)

    Heaps of members here with Goldies, so you will find lots to read here.

    If you need any help regarding navigating the site.. or things you can do.. or any fish probs.. don't be afraid to ask.. as this is why we are all here.. to help others and share our interests.

  8. Brineshrimp Guy said:

    Maybe I need to be specific about my application. I want to change what I am feeding brineshrimp to a live food in order to reduce biowaste within the culture tank and to increase nutritional value of the BS

    Brine Shrimp are filter feeders and apart from Infusoria I doubt you would find a "live food" that they could consume.

    I have grown them to over 12mm (1/2") if you want the food recipe.

    Send me a PM or Email.


  9. Welcome to the forums Skippy.

    Plenty here to keep your mind buzzing for a while :)

    If you want to post individual pics easily.. do this.

    1/ Make suire your pics are a suitable size (around 6-700 wide is good.

    2/ Copy the link from your hosting site.

    3/ Procede as if you were making a new post.

    4/ Hit the img tag "twice"

    5/ Paste your copied link between the two sets of img tags.

    5/ ensure none of the bb code or html boxes are clicked.

    All done.

  10. Drifty said:

    trying again, sorry if its not better bill

    No.. it isn't any better.

    Your pics are around 1280 wide.. almost twice the screen width.

    This is fine for big screens and those not on dial up.. and they "do" resize once loaded.. but this slows the site down and makes the screen jump around until they are loaded.. so could you please resize to around 6-700 wide... on your site.

    Prob is.. this text will be off the screen to one side until your pics have loaded for those with low end systems... so it holds everyone up.. even the Mods that have to wait until they load.



  11. There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the Dwarf Gouramie strains becoming weaker due to interbreeding and so forth.

    Mention was also made that the importers were only bring in one sex.. (the males I believe)

    Many reports say that they do better on their own, as they tend to be a bit timid (apart from when spawning)

    Have you "actually" seen them feeding.. and not being bullied away from the food.

    Have you checked for surface scum.. (oily deposits).. on the surface of the water. Can be removed by dragging a piece of paper over the surface.

    Some food leave quite a bit of film on the surface.


  12. Many of the sponges that you can buy for bathrooms are open cell foam.

    Try the $2 shop... even a "Loofa" (sp).. would work.

    Other things you can use are "Scotch Brite" pan scrubs.. (the green ones).. or if you just want a filler to collect the bacteria.. then nylon pan scrubs are ideal.

    Chopped up drinking straws can act as noodles.. or the spikey hair rollers that ladies use .. or the Sticky Bricks that kids play with.. again.. the ones with all the spikey protrusions.

    Personally.. I am using.. (and have been using for years).. the foam from a discarded setee.

    It is pretty close celled.. so you have to "water log" it first.. but I mainly use this for sponge filters.. not power types or HOB's.


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