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Everything posted by Ismart120

  1. OK, slight update: I've been reducing the light as much as possible which seems to have had a small effect Haven't introduced any new plants yet; will be getting some of those in the near future hopefully. Did a good vac of the gravel and cleaned the stuff trapped in some of the anubias bunches; may have killed a few of these off in the process but meh Still have algae on the back wall but this is just green stuff, not too worried at this point and the BNs are getting into some of that Doing a large water change this weekend and will double dose with excel then (again) Was thinking ambulia plants as they're fast growing, kinda nice looking but I wouldn't be too concerned about it being eaten either I've tried a few amazon swords before but apparently my Sev and JD (yep, saw right, also have a convict in there) seem to like chewing on those so haven't had huge success just yet. May try some planted indian fern if anyone has anything spare? Thanks for all the help so far too
  2. Right - dose the tank 2x in one go or a few days/week apart? I've put one dose already, will spot the worse places as well. (Also, are you talking about the amount in the first set of photos or the last one I posted?) Cichlids with stem plants - are you referring to them being dug up or eaten? I was going to weigh them down to allow roots to grow through if just the former.
  3. Ok, update: Before: After: Boiled water and a scrub over most things, trimmed the plants back a heap, cut off all the dying anubias after pouring boiling water over them (Will see if it survives...) and have sold the sailfin who has been replaced by two very small BNs. Will dose the crypts with excel when possible to get rid of the BBA on them but already looking 10x better algae wise, left heaps of green and brown around though so the fish can graze happily Gonna try for a planted set up (Why not have a challenge with cichlids?) - best plan of attack? I was thinking ambullia or the likes with some other bushy plants around, get the crypts up and running, keep the anubias where possible, grow a sword or two and maybe a moss or ricca type on the wood pieces? Thoughts?
  4. Would you consider a FX5? Pricey but if you're going for serious filtration, thats a good way to go
  5. What type of snails did you put in? They may be more nocturnal, or may not like the algae you have?
  6. The 2700 will be the better choice I think (3x the filter volume than a cf1200) and gives you a bit more headroom overall anyway. (Plus will be cheaper to run power wise, less overall space needed and half the piping) But, do check the space you are wanting to put it - it not a small unit in itself and may not fit tidily under your cabinet
  7. I've found my 2700 to be fine, but my stocking will be less strenuous than lots of africans and I sometimes have issues with it getting reasonably clogged. Given the choice, I've heard good things with the fx5, and its rated for larger tanks so may be better in the long run?
  8. Ok, will try this - what about with driftwood and it soaking in? An issue?
  9. Awesome, thanks for the advice on this: The BBA is also on my anubias, chances of this surviving a boiling water treatment? Or even concentrated excel for that matter? Will try boiling the ornaments and rocks when I get some free time at the very least. Have adjusted the spray bar a bit to see what happens but not too hopeful for the worse parts
  10. Ah that would explain it - I've been using rubbish flakes for the last week as I ran out of any decent stuff and had those hanging around... Will try a hit of furan if boiling the rocks its on doesn't work.
  11. I've got black card around most of the tank which helps keep a lot of light off but there's not much else I can cover at this stage easily. Would throwing a blanket over it for three or so days kill much of anything or just be a waste of time? How dangerous is the cyano? It's just come up recently, anything that might be causing this?
  12. Ok, I've got a few problems with algae in my tank. I'm fighting with a few types and the tank is in the sunroom (only place it can fit/concrete floors that will support it) so it gets a fair bit of direct sunlight. I'm running a UV filter which has helped enormously with the green water (still have a little but not nearly an issue) and the main algae eaters are 2 siamese algae eaters and a large (300mm?) sailfin, all of whom seem to ignore algae in any form. How should I go about eradicating (or at least controlling) the different types, mainly the green slime/solid one and the BBA? I don't have the funds to throw a heap of excel in there which limits it a little but I was thinking of a few other plecos (BNs?) to hit some of the brown and green stuff and manually remove/boil some of the wood and other ornaments? Looking at removing the sailfin too if this'll help (Any interest?) Would more/faster growing plants help or would they too just be over ridden? Here's a few shots of the different types and a full tank view
  13. I can't answer a lot of this (at least not correctly) but; siamese algae eaters can get quite large, so keep this in mind when looking at some of the smaller tetras (neons and grown SAEs don't always mix well from experience) and they can be a bit jumpy so could upset smaller centre piece fish such as betta. Just something to be aware of Loaches would be good in terms of activity and keeping things like snails down, chain loaches would be good in terms of size with bettas, and ina big enough group, should minimise any potential nipping (something that could happen). Angelicus, striata, yoyo etc loaches could work if you wanted bigger ones. In a heavily planted tank, ottos could work well in keeping algae more manageable, just need to watch out for tankmate size is all. I'd recommend a bristlenose too to help with this, there are some nice ones around too so its not just acting as clean up. For floating plants, indian fern in its floating form can work well, I'm sure someone else will be around with a better option though
  14. How are you finding the beamswork leds overall so far? Looking at putting some new lights above my tank (1200x560) but would like some plant growing ability if possible Also, how narrow beamed are the leds individually? Thanks
  15. I'm guessing its closer to 125 litres? Adding an extra filter won't allow more fish sorry - I think you'll be pushing it a bit far with the ones you have when they get a little bigger, but for now, judging on the photo, you'll be ok for a bit? Hopefully someone with a bit more knowledge on the Africans will be along shortly..
  16. Ok, some photos of the tank being set up, and then what it looks like a few days later: Needs a water change I know...
  17. Thats the worst case I've seen myself - hoping that he makes it but yeah, not looking good. White & fluffy sounds like its more than bacterial too. Parasite of some sort maybe as a secondary infection?
  18. Heyo Looking for ideas on what to put in a four footer tank with angelicus loaches, tiger barbs, a pictus and featherfin syno, a severum and an ebjd - looking for single cichlids to bring out to maybe three or four large guys total. Ideas? Male convict? What are kribs like with the larger cichlids? Looking for good looking fish and keeping the water types similar at least (i.e no africans) And, its been pointed out that due to the end size of the two I've already got, that the stocking prob shouldn't be much higher; I'm more just wanting a little more colour without putting 'target' fish in there. The two syno catfish are eventually going to be sold off as they will see the loaches as food when they get bigger (so any interest, let me know). Or, any/other oddballs that would fit in?
  19. You could try an odd ball tank? Some nice plecos, driftwood, some of the smaller eels (if they would fit?), a severum pair? You could always try the hardier plants with them too Or, go brackish and get puffers..... Or even better, full marine... (oh wait, has to be low maintenance... hmmm)
  20. Awesome, thanks The chocolate and big banded zebras are quite cool, and much more reasonably priced than the l046 plecos (Have you seen the prices for those??) - I'll look into those when I upgrade. With these two, would one or two work in a 1.2m 350 litre tank? With NW cichlids that is.
  21. If they're not doing any damage and the angels don't seen concerned, I'd just keep an eye out - I have heard of and seen some loaches (not sure on clowns though?) nibbling at parasites on other fish but wouldn't think its too common to be honest. Otherwise, it sounds like pretty normal behaviour from this end of things
  22. Excellent - with those, am I looking at just the one for that tank or could I do a pair? And any ideas/tricks on how to not let the loaches out compete them for food? Without overfeeding that is... The loaches are currently quite relaxed with food but all to aware that that could change with time
  23. Out of Histrionica and Almorhae, I'm thinking its closer to the Yoyo - just the general size and now its more aggressive behaviour. Going to swap him for another angelicus though which'll help with the balance at least
  24. Ok, Planning on my tank upgrade already - currently have a red spot severum and a EB jack demsey and a sailfin plec in a three footer tank but aware of the need to upgrade before they start feeling cramped, thinking around a Rio 300 (Four foot 350 litre) ish sort of thing at this point But, when I do upgrade, I'm wondering what fancy plecs I could get if I were to sell the sailfin, more striking is the aim so have been looking around the zebra/magnum types a little but have no idea what will actually go with the cichlids safely. Size is only an issue in terms of not being eaten and not being too big Other bottom guys are a group of angelicus loaches, maybe a red tail shark so would also need to fit it well with these guys Tank will have lots of drift wood, and hopefully, will still be planted. Thoughts and or suggestions?
  25. Could be that your other fish are missing out - what else is in the tank?
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