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Everything posted by cichlidman2010

  1. Im planning to set up a Victorian tank this week for the 8-10 Brown Hap group-to-be im getting from Ryan. The substrate i currently have in the tank and that im going to use is a fine black substrate. I think this will be suitable for bringing out the colours in the fish. I may possibly have a small bag of crushed oyster shell in one of the filters too if needed. I have an Aquis 1200 on the tank so im thinking that should be decent enough for now. I have internal filters if needed in the future. I have t5 lighting currently on the tank, are there any light reuirements for these fish ? Also, what is the best diet to feed them ? Thought id do my final bit of Homework before the big week ahead. Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated
  2. maybe we can compare and contrast notes, pictures etc as i will have some demasonis, electric yellows, etc too !
  3. you should find that the giraffes will be fine for a good while
  4. Yeah i agree with rocks and driftwood. i think most of us do the rock thing as caves are essential to create a natural habitat. i found that in south and central american tanks, mostly driftwood looks the best. Not only does the wood make cool shapes and caves, but the water can stain a slightly yellow colour which i think looks cool with them ! Africans on the other hand look awesome and prefer rocks with most of the tank (or all) made of caves. It gives them places to hide, make their own territory and to breed in too Hope that helped a tad
  5. Its always different to be honest. Parents may eat/attack them as they grow larger, or they may get on with them and eat their siblings. They could also breed themselves and eat their own young. However it works out, youre gonna have one heck of a tankful of convicts
  6. I'd be very careful if they are a breeding pair. I've had oscars in the corner scared by convicts -.- but then again, every fish is different in temperament. The typical convict would take at least half of the tank over in most cases though, Good Luck !
  7. Where do you go to vote for the Photo of the Month ? Cheers !
  8. where did you get your vallisneria fishgirl ? i am looking for a bunch myself !
  9. Does anybody know if Kaimai stone would be safe in an african cichlid tank ? i dont know much about the stuff.
  10. what do you think ? i have a new display tank im setting up, but cant decide on substrate colour.
  11. Cheers Ryan. Im keen for about 10 of them, should give a good mix.
  12. Hey guys, I'm looking to get a good few brown haps from Ryan. I want to prepare myself well before hand though. Anyone one with experience or helpful information ? Cheers !
  13. Im thinking about getting a couple of pigeons soon. I need to build a big aviary (or buy one) Does anybody have one for sale, or know a good design ?
  14. am wanting to buy the light, but am waiting for a reply to my email. id be very keen to come and see the tank
  15. Very helpful, thanks J ! Anymore information you have will be much appreciated !
  16. I have not set the tank up yet. I plan to have a mixture of Flourite and normal gravel. Which means i probably wont go to heavy on any fertilizers. double bulb t5 lighting for 8 hours a day. External canister filter filtration.
  17. I'm about to set up a heavily planted aquarium. I understand it will take time to get to that point, but im going all out and starting properly. The tank will be about 250 litres (4ft) I will have double bulbed T5 lighting, Flourite and gravel mix, and Co2 injection. What can i do to make sure i can keep algae growth to a minimum and whats the best way to deal with it in a planted aquarium ?
  18. how imbalanced would the levels be if i only had one on a tank that size ?
  19. i see they take up to a 75ltr tank. Is it still going to be of some benefit on a 240ltr ? Some Co2 is better than no Co, right ?
  20. I wana hear your opinions on the good old Co2 kit thats been around for ages Any experiences with it ? Know a better product ? How long does a mix last on average ?
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