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Everything posted by cichlidman2010

  1. awesome. good to know. how long are they going to take to grow to full size if fed well daily with a well looked after display tank ? (quite crowded) they are already 7cm
  2. im buying a young group of blue dolphins but am not sure how to tell which sex they are. is there any colour/patterning difference between m and f ? thanks
  3. thanks for that I wont be going for a trickle filter as such, just a baffled sump with media. the sump will be 900x600highx500mm and will be run off of an external 8500lph external pump. The overflow box will be located in the middle of the tank and will also have the outlet pipe coming out of it too (extending along the top of the tank and then back through the top. If anyone can help, let me know so I can give you a more detailed design. Cheers
  4. hey guys, i've been asked to put a tank on Waiheke Island for someone I know. The tank will be 1250x750x750mm with a sump (3ft maybe) I've never worked with a sump before so am kind of nervous about setting one up with out something tragic happening. I'm looking for someone who can help with the design of a sump and also someone who will come over to Waiheke for the day to set it all up with me (ferry included of course!) Is anyone willing to give a bit of their time ? Thanks !
  5. cheers yeah im hoping it was a reflection of the fire place but kinda annoying :facepalm: I hope to get some big male peacocks in there soon as well as some more dems. dont want to have a huge number of aggressive mbuna in there, probably just dems and yellows and the odd one
  6. yellows, ice blues, blue zebra, johanni, demasoni, livingstonii, giraffe, a couple of jewels and a couple of obs too
  7. New set up I did today, what do y'all think ? Now all I need is more fish
  8. thanks ryan, also how to join the auckland club?
  9. I am doing a bit of a swap around with my african tank very soon am i'm wondering what really works best. I am going to try a mbuna, peacock and hap tank in one (should be fun) I guess what im wondering is what are the best numbers to have fish in ? Colonies can be cool, for example, 10 electric yellows, but does a bigger selection and smaller amounts of each species look better ? Also, I'm still looking for peacock males to add to the tank, Cheers
  10. hey bro, i could never get rid of her , this is the problem ! ive had her for SO long
  11. i've just bought 4 livingstonii (about 10 - 12cm 1 male and 3 females) and am ready to pick them up tomorrow. I have a 450ltr African Rift tank with mostly mbuna and also a 15cm + giraffe (female). How is the giraffe going to take it with 4 new fish of a similar size being added to the tank ? She's moderately aggressive.
  12. I've just set up a 3ft tank as I have 100 odd fry I needed to find a bigger tank for. I have coral sand as substrate and I added a good few pieces of small coral (which i've used before) to make some caves to get them used to that sort of environment, etc. Of course, the coral has already started to raise the ammonia levels in the tank (as well as the pH). How long is it going to take for the ammonia levels to settle ? I have added ammonia remover to the HOB filter already so that should start to help and I will also be performing regular water changes. How often should I be doing those water changes and how long should I be expecting to wait until I can add all of the fry ? Also, if anyone has a spare canister filter I can borrow for a while, that'd be great Cheers.
  13. no no no, fruju and cichlidcentral, you're terribly mistaken. Those aren't shrimp... They're the Senior high teachers going for a swim !
  14. I get to set up my new 450lt tank this Saturday :happy2: but im worried about getting it cycled properly It will be a Malawi Cichlid set up. What's the best way to cycle a tank properly for these guys ? Usually I've just chucked in a fish or two and slowly built the tank up like that, but what is the best way ? Cheers !
  15. do you have pictures of your tank ? id love to see !
  16. So in the next week I'm setting up my new African Cichlid Tank. It measures 1220x600x600mm. I want some opinions on the best background colour, substrate colour and also rock types/colour to use. The fish will be electric yellows, blue zebras, demasoni and ice blues mainly. If anybody has ideas, please share !
  17. is spray paint going to scratch off ?
  18. I'm about to paint the back of my 4x2x2ft tank. Its new, so will be strong and dry when i get it. What is the best paint to use on the tank that will actually stick, dry and not scratch/peel off easily ? I want to get it right the first time ! Cheers !
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