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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. That'll get my friend keen haha As in red jewels? I'm keen on a GBA pair for myself. not sure about the friend though :lol:
  2. +1 His fish probably look pretty dull
  3. Make sure you move them early. Mine were mega stunted. Adrienne has some that are a week older then mine, but three times the size showing sex and colours Mine are showing metallic blue now though
  4. If you do it right, you can spawn them at three months old. So just keep spawning new generations
  5. Egg scatters wont have many fry live throw the parents :-?
  6. Will have to see what he likes :lol:
  7. My friend doesn't like guppies much haha. Will suggest it though
  8. I need ones that will kinda look after their fry :-? Apistos are out of the price range (atm) Tetras and cories will eat the eggs/babies
  9. My neighbor/good friend really wants to get a 60-30-30ish tank with a pair of fish that spawn often. No special care needed. So I suggested BN or dwarf cichlids. What else would there be? He plans to get grow out tanks at my house so they will be raised properly. Heres my list so far :-? -BN -Rams -Key Holes -Convicts? -Red Jewels? -Kribs?
  10. Doubt it! Can never have too many!
  11. I only have enough for about 250 Got a tank ready for then in two weeks?
  12. Just don't stress out, he'll do his job. After they are free swimming, and no longer have their egg sac, you can start feeding microworms
  13. Wicked =D I never doubted you could
  14. Run an airstone or have the filter ripple the surface of the water?
  15. Is there a stone and water world down your way?
  16. Would an unfiltered storage container outside work? :lol:
  17. Hopefully something works :lol:
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