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Everything posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. Fair enough Anybody know any methods other then the vodka and clove oil one? I'll be breeding double tail fighters soon and really don't want to use the bag method I normally did. Last time I did it the bag popped and ended up everywhere :sick:
  2. I understand what culling is. I just don't think everything should be killed for the culling. Like my "bung" fighter for example.
  3. It could. I usually consider culling as killing. And when Steph says she wants to keep her numbers down by culling, i'd rather just let them grow up and see what they get. Each to their own.
  4. Quality vs Quantity, right? I still believe you can get the type of fish you want in the end without culling off everything thats not up to high standards. You just don't use them to breed. Also, you may end up with some wicked throws
  5. That would be a bit of a throw from the traditional one head fish Steph, SamH once linked me an article on selective breeding to form better rays in a fighter. I'll try and find it for you?
  6. If its snide, none of it was intended to you. More towards the lack of quality in NZ, with most species, compared to overseas.
  7. Swims good enough to eat, get air, have fights etc etc.
  8. My "bung" one is one of my favorites. So much personality. Only thing wrong with him is that he's lazy. He has is xmas moss bean bag though, which makes him happy
  9. Maybe its time to change the thread name from "My new spiney eel" to "Jaimee's spiney eel"? :lol:
  10. Do you plan to only make one trip? I thought this thread was about moving the tanks, not everything else :lol:
  11. Awesome pictures :happy1: Those redfins remind me of big killies :lol:
  12. I'm not using the bag method again :-? :nilly:
  13. http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/deta ... 000/m/966/ Thats the biggest on the website (i think) HTH
  14. I used towels. We got heaps in the back of a trailer. You guys don't have that many tanks? With the ute you could make it in one trip if you put the little ones inside the big ones.
  15. You and Allister go down, empty the car, you do your thing, he comes back up, I help him fill the car, he drives back? Depends on how much driving he wants to do
  16. No harm in having a day for taking down all your pets? You've got me local to look after them at this end while you're sorting yourself out down that end
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