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Posts posted by Joshlikesfish

  1. I have a 500L tank that i'm not using. Being so short of cash, i was thinking of selling to get my smaller tanks up and running.

    I would love to breed something. Seeing babies grow up would be awesome. I was thinking of selling my 500L and using the cash to get my other 5 tanks up and running.

    Any ideas? 500L Divided?

    Anything would be appreciated :D

  2. Hey there everyone.

    I currently have this...


    A 4ft tank in my cupboard haha.

    Its elevated on a small stand. I was planning on using to rear angels. If this angel thing doesn't work out, which it probably wont, i was going to do it planted.

    Now, with it being in the cupboard, there is not much in the way of lighting. Was thinking of fixing in some lights. There is some built in power plugs, so thats not a problem. I was thinking of getting a hanging light system, one that would be used to light a room. Then DIYing some reflectors in. Is there any lights you guys would suggest? Will these be safe near water?

    Thanks =]

  3. Brine shrimp is by far the best, from what i've read. (It also boosts the reds, shhhh :wink: )

    Seeing as they are discus, i would go all out to feed them. Hatching brine shrimp isn't too hard?

    The nutrients in crushed pelets wont be as good as the BBS. Also, BBS and the discus, if its the same as angels?? will be attracted to light. Small live food is more appealing to babys =]

  4. Loaches are bottom dwellers. Guppies chill out at the surface. I cant see much problem with loaches nipping the fins of guppies.

    I don't think the blue rams are agressive specifically towards glowlights. They're just moderately territorial like most cichlids.:)

    Rams are dwarf cichlids. They will be territorial, like Ira said. Shouldn't be too big a deal in your size tank :lol:

  5. Sorry for the late reply. Totally forgot to check this haha. Thanks for the replies =D

    welcome Josh.

    What school do you go to? My son is at Howick College.

    I'm at Pakuranga College

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