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Everything posted by kellsz

  1. Hey I have a cool idea to cover some pipes with gravel... I need some silicone glue.. what and where would i source this? Many thanks in advance
  2. Hahah I would love another tank so I could have some kribs and electric yellows..... wanted one for years... Just so jolly busy with uni and work I couldnt look after it enuff... Mind u if ya cleaning one tanks whats another.... Then theres the issue of where to put it LOL, living with olds at mo doubt they would be impressed with another in their living room!
  3. Bugger!!!!! hmm back to the drawing board for me.
  4. I havnt brought fish for years!, WGTN seems to be lacking fishes since the floods a few years back so my tank is rather empty!, I have : 3 X clown Loaches and 1x Angelfish.... Im looking for some top dwellers and mid dwellers... (usually have swords but after something a bit diff). I really want some electric yellow ciclids(sp) but they prob would not be a good mix would they?
  5. Coolies people!!!!!!!! Hehe i would never imagine putting in banana, apple or tomartoe!
  6. Cheers guys!, Got some lettuce Ill give it a whirl tonight. Gotta taste better than the flakes and the freeze dried stuf they been getting
  7. Now they cost four bucks a cucumber... what else vege wise can I feed my clown loaches?
  8. Java moss here too, it loves being by moving water too
  9. My fish, clown loaches in particular go almost colourless at feeding time, then resume normal colour a few moments later. This has been happening for over three years so they must be Okay!. I think in my case its something to do with aggression
  10. kellsz

    Hey guys

    Yup I plan to join, now that I have a car should be much easier to get to the meets!. Just got to get my license now LOL
  11. kellsz

    Hey guys

    Hello Not sure if u can remember me, I been absent for sometime been very busy with work and uni. But I'm back, had anyone in Wellington noticed the serious LACK of tropicals in petshops in the last six month?. my tank is looking pretty empty as all the shops seem to have is a few mollies and platties
  12. I Had green water when I first set-up my tank.. i tried everything... including starving the tank of light for a few days to deprive the alage... nothing really worked it just settled itself after awhile.. However Daphina from Caryl helped a lot, but it was only a temporary thing whist they where in the tank. Plants helped a lot too... In my opnion green water is often part of 'cycling' a tank. After awhile you get the bacterica to consume the nitrates that algae live off.
  13. 2/3 Swordtails pooping white anything to worry about?. i seem to remember somewhere reading it ment consitipation...?
  14. I have 3 they are awefully amusing fish to watch.. Two of mine are great mates.. the other is a territoral horrible beast LOL.. just sits in his/her cave and attacks anyone to comes near...
  15. Um nah went to the L. Hutt they had heaps of like unbraded and unpopular branded media for cheap.
  16. Such thing? before I came into the hobby, i swear i saw a yellow sword! they called it a "pineapple swordtail" is there such a thing or was it dyed or something (I hope not!)
  17. a net would be helpful so other fish dont eat them... or their own tank would be useful if u have one cycled. try them on crushed flakes or a commerial fry food.. You should be fine ENJOY the joy of birth
  18. YAY GOT CHEAP AS CERAMIC NOODLES BIG BOX FOR 20.95!! instead of a box half the size for $49.95! HEH, sorry just mighty HAPPY!.
  19. Depending how small the baby is u mite want to separate it from the mother... Otherwise she'll think you may have put in a tasty LIVE dinner for her as they dont care about eating their own kind. yes you prolly are correct, live bearers usually let their young go in one drop.
  20. yeh i know, the only glass tank I having running at the mo is a cold water goldfish one. As my father is paranoid about glass fish tanks and brought me a flash arylic set-up. The BN will be moved as soon as possible to a glass tank in my room so when it breaks it will be "my room that floods and i that is cut up" LOL. Just gotta save up for another heater and filter YAY.
  21. Ask your store to order some in for you?
  22. Thanks everyone for your inputs!.
  23. OOh, Warren that's good news. I'll scrub the tank weekly and see if that helps!. As for a razor blade I wont dare put it in within a 2km radius of my acrylic tank heh. Yeh my BN PLEC wont go near the stuff, and as its the only algae I get I worry about how much she actually eats as my Clowns are VERY greedy and attack her if she has food and the don't.
  24. Lately one my tanks walls have stubborn small dot clustors of algae, which take for ever to scrub off with the alage scrubber. The tank is arylic so i dont like scrubbing too much. I don't get "normal" algae lthat occurs in all my other tanks that comes off easily. I don't like to use chemicals, but yeh any suggestions?.
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