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Everything posted by kellsz

  1. Thanks guys, LOL I have a lot to think about now. It'll keep me busy.
  2. Green water (algae) is to do with excess nutrients ie nitrates(try reduce feeding to once day or even every 2nd day or less). I suffered green water for a long time, what worked for me was reduced feeding and lighting and increased filteration. And Daphina a very kind person who sent it up from down south off this board. Daphina is a living instect that eats the algae, if you can get your hands on these they do the trick just put em in a breeding net in the tank coz fish love em. also adding plants mite help by making the alage compete for nutrients 30% water changes every second day or so may help intioannly reduce the nitrate levels,.
  3. I recently made a huge invesment (well for a student).. of an ehiem ecco filter. Unlike the classic which is cheaper lol it didnt have the noodles or spray bar included. I was wondering if anyone had some DIY ideas for something instaed of noodles as they are rather costly... ie $49.95 at the local pet store.
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