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    Lower Hutt
  • About You
    Breeding betta splendes & others

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Ira, I just noticed them in my tank today, they are very tiny and very fast.
  2. I have some green fighters from Peter which I am intending to breed. They have great colour which I'd like to keep but I want to lenghten the dorsal fin along the back more. I have a female with a long dorsal fin which is a solid deep blue which I got from breeding a double tail with a double tail gene carrier. I hope everyone knows what I mean. What are everyones thought on using double tails to lenghten the dorsal fin. Also what do you think the likley colour result will be when breeding a luminess green to a deep flat blue.
  3. Hi everyone its been a long time since I checked out this site. I have now bred a few genarations of fighters and then gone away from it. I am about to start again with some nice green ones I got from Peter Macleod.
  4. biziboy

    Homemade food

    Hi Ira, sounds like you had fun with that stuff. I have not tried using gluten flour before but this is what I do and it works for me. Bleend up some chicken liver, beef heart, fish, and spinich to an almost liquid consistancy then use a bowl and a wooden spoon to mix in some dried breadcrumbs till its a thick paste. Flaten it out betwwen sheets of creaseproof paper and freeze.
  5. Thanks I'll try that, can you recomend a good book that covers betta genetics?
  6. My fry have now made it to the stage when they need to be seperated. Most of them did colour up nicley, but interestingly I have ended up with about 50% blues and 50% cambodians with no double tails. There are some that are obviously males but I am having trouble sexing the rest of them. does anyone have any tips for sexing fry at this age? (12 weeks)
  7. This is the first time I have bred fish of any type. The father is a blue single tail and the mother is a blue double tail. The fry are now about a month old, about 90% of them have horizontal stripes and the other 10% are the pinkish cambodian colour. Does anyone know how long these fish take to develop their full colour?
  8. I am breeding siamese fighters and interested in exchaging ideas and fish [ This message was edited by: biziboy on 2001-06-03 07:12 ]
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