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Posts posted by Caryl

  1. The only aggression I have ever seen in bristlenoses is from the larger males chasing everyone away from the food! I guess this one has more testosterone than normal 😉

    You should be able to sex the fish now it has grown a bit. Males have bristles running up the middle of their head. Females do not have these (but often have shorter bristles around the mouth) and are a lot wider than the males.

  2. I must admit I have not got around to putting LEDs in my aquarium but should do so. It has very old fluorescents at the moment and I fear if I change it I will blind the fish 🙂

    Will build up the LEDs slowly, just in case.

  3. Knowing Ira, he may already have done so since the thread was started in 2018. Always more good stuff available to use in the aquarium (or to control parts of it) as time goes by and it is good to see what others have done in their own set-ups to give others ideas. They are often cost saving too!

  4. Goldfish love to pull up plants so they can eat the more tender bits at the base/roots. Your plant may have difficulty coping with this. I found the only plant they really didn't like was Java fern. I am told it tastes bitter but can't verify that personally 🙂

  5. The parents won't eat the fry but other fish will. A breeding net might work but, if you have a well planted aquarium with bushy plants, a few might survive without help. A lot of surface plant with trailing root systems is ideal, like Indian fern, water sprite. 

  6. Either you don't live in NZ or your fish is not a koi. We need a lot more information. Is this fish inside or outside in a pond? How old is it? What is the temperature? Anything else around it changed? New water mates, different food etc?

  7. Isn't it interesting how different people like different features and there is sure to be a fish for all preferences. It is the short bodies I don't like as I prefer a more streamlined fish. I am afraid the quality of goldfish in NZ is sadly lacking, compared to other countries, as they have been banned from importation for so many years there has been no improvement to the overall gene pool.

    Good luck with your breeding plans.

  8. Hi Fishy06. Feeding them flakes is fine. I guess, like us, they would like variety but i have always kept to the same food for my goldfish and they haven't complained 🙂

    Goldfish  are cold water species so do not need to be in water that warm but it will not hurt them.

    How many goldfish do you have and what size is the aquarium or pond they are in? If you have just filled up a container, added safe start, and several goldfish, then you are going to have problems. Google the aquarium cycle to get an understanding of what is needed. Even with safe start the fish need to be added slowly.

    Do you have any plants in there? The fish will like them. Goldfish are really hard on most plants, as they eat them. You should be able to go to your local river and get oxygen weed for them. It needs to be washed very thoroughly before adding it to the tank though.

  9. Haven't tried it myself but it looks like peppered corys are quite happy at lower temperatures.

    It sounds like you are keen to have a variety of fish, other than goldfish, outside in unheated water. Can you put the pond under cover? Under the eaves of the house, on the sunny side of the property, anything to keep the temperature as high as possible over winter. Having the pond n the ground, rather than free standing on top, will help too. Some sort of covering to keep the heat in might help .

    I have only ever kept semi tropical fish outside over summer months.

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