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Everything posted by fish_tank0311

  1. Agreed. Well i did kind of rearrange the tank, because to get the lelupis out i took out all the rocks, and i only put them back in once i was acclimatising the new guy, and it is quite different. And i moved the 4 shells into 2 groups of 2 in a different spot of the tank so they can have 2 each, but you think the fighting will stop? Do i need to do anything? I know google is my friend but i have an encyclopedia talking to me right now....(his name is Ryan)
  2. Just added the new guy in, and every time he tries to go into one of the shells the older one beats him up. How do i stop this? What should i do?
  3. Well, they did make a mistake. I hear your side on the nano, but they DID say that those fish would happily live together, but if you go back through the thread people saying that is suicide.
  4. Thanks for all the help guys. i went to hollywood and swapped the lelupis and got another shelly and some shells and we are all happy, and the difference in the money was refunded. Once again i asked hollywood about tankmates and they said brichardi..... a bit of opinion IMO as you guys are morbidly against brichardi and shellies mixing in a tank my size.
  5. lol thanks. firenzenz i want a community tank because shellies are not going to use all the rockwork i made. i spent 80 bux on that and being 13 and not getting pocket money, its pretty hard to come by 80 bux for a bunch of rocks. I do understand that a bunch of shellies are cool, it was awesome watching them in the shop, but a community tank is taking it another step, and if i were to stock 6-8 of them or whatever is very very expensive...If i were to take all 3 fish back. what do i do with the tank having spent all this money on rock and gravel???
  6. Ok so julis is a no i take it. It said on wikipedia that julis go with them. Im just after some fish that will swim and use the rockwork i payed and spent all my time doing. Just thinking out loud here, what about brichardis? Will they mix? iv heard one person thinks so on some forum.
  7. Yup phoenix thats what im doing. Obviously i would rather keep the lelupis because they so colourful etc but they are the trouble makers so ill take them back. I read julidochromis can go with ocellatus. Do hollywood have julidochromis and what do you guys think of them?
  8. Yea only just realised after i emailed them lol. Ill see if my dad can give me a ride but again anyone know any cichlids in particular that can go with ocellatus? i know tetras or rasboras can go with them but they dont look right together if you know what i mean.
  9. sorry i did read that but i didnt get when you were moving exactly. the fish you have got are the same as mine so i dont quite understand what you mean with me taking mine back and getting some of yours which are the same???
  10. thanks ryan but you live in bulls. i dont even know where that is but i know its not in auckland. and what kind of shellies have you got? i grown quite attatched to my little ocellatus hes so cute and has such a personality.
  11. Ok, Thanks. I will talk to my dad and see if he can take me some time soon, but i guess i should email hollywood fish farm first and see if they will take the fish back. Are there ANY friendly-ish fish that will go with ocellatus successfully. ANY, i want a community tank so......... Yeah any you know of thanks.
  12. Damn i was at nosh like a month ago and we dont head that way often. Yes i do read up on the species i really do but i planned on getting e yellows and was advized that only getting 2 would be fine, but the guy there said not to do it, i didnt know who to believe so i just didnt do it, and then this guy recommended these fish for me which i wasnt prepared for but he told me that they would be fine.
  13. Im a good hour drive away from there so no thanks, but thanks anyway. Read update above if you havent.
  14. You talking about me or seth? If your talking about me your very wrong, i completely changed my idea of electric yellows because of the advice given to me by others, i didnt find out myself, and there are several things i change and dont do because of the advice i get from these forums. Another update, one lelupi is still up in the corner on top of the filter which is next to the heater. It doesnt look any where near as colourful as the other one, and it has some brownish blotches of colour too, where the other one is a pure strong yellow. After 10 minutes of watching they arent really paying attention to one another, so it doesnt look like its being bullied. Same goes with the ocellatus so far, the good looking lelupi and the ocellatus look like good buds they hanging out the front together, but for how long :-?
  15. Mmm, he does spend some time swimming around but i have noticed he does hang out up there. I will keep you guys informed of his behavior.
  16. That is exactly how i see my tank currently. Do you guys know where i can get some good shells for my shellies? Here is a video of my tank. Can a mod maybe change the title please to something like my tank journal, or something more apropriate to the discussions happening, that would be great. Anyway heres the video, Hopefully the song works im not sure if it does but anyway you can play your own song and watch a cool video. *Video quality is processing. Give it some time and it will be awesome*
  17. Mmmm, you have a point. P44 im not expecting them to be all knowing Jesus with fish, but i do expect them to know a little bit about the products they are selling. At least the tank size lelupis require (ie. even more than electric yellows which i was advised against)
  18. Yea fire i do agree and im feeling quite disappointed with the fish shop now, not correctly informing me, especially me being 13 i think they took advantage of the money in my hand and not telling me what im getting myself into. Are there any fish that can possibly make tankmates with the ocellatus if i were to get rid of the lemon yellows? And what if i were to upgrade the tank slightly, say 3 foot or something. What are my options then?
  19. TBH though i find that boring i like lots of different species on 1 tank. can i not keep multiple species of shell dwellers in the tank? And if i got rid of the shell dwellers, i cant keep any other species happily with the lemons?
  20. I most definitly did tell them all the specs about the tank, and yes they did advise against e yellows so they knew about my tank. What about appistogrammas. What do they go with?? Shellies or lemons or both?
  21. The little ocellatus is like 1.5cms or something and the lemons are like 5/6cm or something, thats just my guess though, the guy at hff said they would be fine together.
  22. I used a old purple light last night and dimmed out out with several layers of towels so it wasnt too bright, but enough to see what the night life was like in the tank, and all looked well, first sign of aggression, 1 lemon chased the other 1 but only lasted a few seconds and since then they been together fine. Same thing happened again with the lemon coming out the front to say hello to the little ocellatus and the ocellatus just swam up to him and had what looked like a little kiss on him, but got no response from the lemon so they are fine so far. Hopefully this behaviour continues.
  23. i hope nothing happens... Just been in to watch them and one of the lemons came out to the shellie and had a look, and the wee little thing went up to the big one reeeeeaaaall close and had a real good look at em hehehe and they looked fine, no aggression of any sort. The 2 lemons/lelupi or whatever have slightly different colouration, ones a bright yellow the other one i believe has a slight orange tint rather than pure yellow, maybe different sex? Dont know if that means anything but so far they are happy together which im bloody thankfull for from what i hear from you. - Tanks 90 litre.
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