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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. well they have only just spawned so in a couple of months i might have some
  2. um not yet i just put the parents in together so soon i should have full black albino long finned and where i got it from is a secert
  3. GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! i have a long finned black male (like the pic) im planning to cross with one of my albino females so fingers crossed i have black longfind albinos soon :bounce:
  4. yeah ok thanks Adrienne, i think a few people want to come and look at his setup
  5. ohh thats awsome, so whats actual happenning are there some people coming up to Auckland cause we could go to hff and also may be able (if everyone wants ) go down to my grandads house he has a fish room with about 35 tanks
  6. he was selling them 45 for 3 when they were 8mm so they are cheap
  7. yeah these are the most expensive cory in nz at the moment retailing at $45 each when they are young
  8. DAMMMMMMM' that big shuld probaly keep them in heated pools
  9. what should i bring for talble show, eg livebearer,gourami,chiclid,tetra
  10. hi p44 wat sort of prices are these because im only young and dont have mega bucks to spend
  11. i was woundering what type of cameras people on here use to take such awsome picture of there smale fish, i have an olympus fc 12 mega pix but even with the macro on i can not take good pic of my albino snakskin guppys ,it always turns up blury and doesnt show the patterns of the fish any suggestion
  12. do you mean brown discus, i dont think so because they are not very colourful
  13. if you breed them and are willing to ship ill take 10
  14. they are realy hard to come by and even rare
  15. hey do you think i could enter my tanks even thoug i live in auckland
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