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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. well i can det it cheap and i am getting 2 tfho lights 54w and wll do a home made co2
  2. and im getting some glosso so do you want some will trade for some of your plants
  3. Ok so i know bunnings has , but i was sthink of mixing it with peat and jbl aquabasic and how much iis under gravel heating
  4. ok thanks , and yeah i am in the proccess of selling my discus then stripping the tank down putting the daltons stuff down , i might mix it up with some jbl stuff and peat then put gravel back but this time im only having one lotus and one normal sword the othe plants will be pygmy chain sword,dwarf sag, borno sword combda and stargrass any other plant that i like the look of
  5. were do i get some or does anyone have any i need enough to do a 3-5cm layer for a 122cm by 45cm
  6. sounds like they have been eaten by you puffers
  7. where are they and how much :lol:
  8. oh yes sorry im bad with names, i would also like to see your tank
  9. myfishybuisness


    yeah i have it , to bad it cant be cured owell ill just have to live with it :lol:
  10. myfishybuisness


    Sounds like a great year to me :lol:
  11. i would like to say thanks to zev for fixing my grandad account and to all the other judges and organises
  12. myfishybuisness


    yeah i went over board
  13. myfishybuisness


    hi im kasey and im a fishaholic, this year has been the worst for me going from 3 to 17 tank :lol:
  14. ohh and sorry to be rude i have forgotten the members in our team that were from auckland,other thank wok
  15. thanks for a great night and go team something fishy
  16. well if you are wantting to breed them as show guppies (like me) u should feed brine shrimp this gets the bodies big which enables them to have larger tails
  17. i no he called my grandad , and it will help greatly
  18. we will be coming to the tank crawl ,just not sure bout the quiz
  19. hi owen not sure if we are coming or not
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