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Everything posted by New_to_fish_world

  1. Yip your spot on to. Vodafone has a better net support and a better browser Can't wait to get one, Telecoms new systems is no better then what they had and in no way have they upgraded there net support or browser. So I say go Vodafone as they seem to be the ones that are making their systems work for people.
  2. When I went in to look to buy one I couldn't even get onto the face book apps So can you get them on your telecom phone if so how.?
  3. Nope not at all. Vodafone is way MORE net friendly so If I wanted to get a phone so I could play my apps on facebook while I am on the go then I have to go with Vodafone :roll: telecoms system is still not updated and all you can do on their phones is check E-mail and surf normal sites, but can't use any apps or games Of course you can always buy there games tho
  4. When I get a new phone I am going Vodafone as telecom phones and new system is crud. Mind you I only really use mine to txt, Would get on the net if I could but telecom is not net friendly
  5. Just Guppies, Might try something new soon.
  6. Got more Babies So far 36 and the mummy is still looking big in the tummy so I gather I am to see some more.
  7. If I knew how to ship Fish I'd give ya some for free.
  8. He will be but I won't be when all my girls start droppin off, i was told if you had to many girls that for some reason they would just start dropping off.? Or is that wrong.?
  9. We will be to Just don't know when tho. Got two girls that are huge at the moment so waiting for them to drop I am not sure what any of my guppys are. LMAO I need to do some more reading Me thinks
  10. Seems like 7 girls and One boy Flip I hope I am wrong
  11. 8) 8) 8) 8) I got it now :lol: So I have more females then males :roll: I have another two now that are now ready to drop anyday by the look of them. Only got them today tho.
  12. I am a beginner just like you to I'd like to know the same thing My babies are nearly about a month old and I see some of them have flicks of colours on their tails So I have taken that to be boys.? Will be cool to see what the others have to say tho.
  13. Thanks for that He only does it about 4 times aday He is fine tho There is enough oxygen in the water so I don't think it is just that I might just have a crazy BN. :roll:
  14. He swims to the top comes half out of the water and then goes back in, He seems fine and all. I do have a lid on so don't worry he can't get out. LMAO But yeah he has done it twice today. I will be up late tonight so will see if he does it heaps like he was doing last night.
  15. Done water change Yesterday so will I bo ok to do another one today.? the other BN in the tank is fine. All other fish are fine, The baby gups are fine and everyone seems happy. The BN that was doing it is not doing it today. Will see what he does tonight.
  16. Or is it normal for them to come half out of the water up the top of the tank l lost my GBN not so long ago so I keep a close eye on the BN's now. Just notice tonight That it's coming out of the water Then it's going back in. I have tried to look up online if it's a sign of something being wrong but can't find a thing Anyone know if it's normal or what.?
  17. Ended up with 8 of them in the end. I let them out of their cage today to run free They all seem to be ok The other fish try and chase them but the baby's dive into the plants.
  18. Hey, if your over 25 and have full drivers then you could take our Rocket ship.
  19. Only had it for nearly 4 weeks. it was only young. The other one is fine tho.
  20. I don't know what happend There where no marks on it at all. Could the other BN that are in the tank killed it.??? They are twice the size of it I am so upset it's not fair. I don't like the fish world somedays
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