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Everything posted by Alienara

  1. Alienara

    Guppy food

    i read that guppies diet do include greens as well so normally people would boil peas and deshell it before giving it to their guppies. probably why they went after the zucchini since your diet seems to be mainly meat.
  2. but it's good for fishes themselves too right? mozzie larvae sorry good food for fishes too?
  3. just found out that bloodworms are not actually worms... T.T possible to create a culture? how far out west are you though? i highly doubt i would mind coming over to pick it up but that would be in a few months time. thanks for the offer mate.
  4. can you get mitre10 to cut the timber that you're buying to the dimensions that you want?does any place that sells timber do that?
  5. dig round in the garden? lol, i'm in north shore. was just asking for info in case i need some in the future and decide to dig around in the garden haha
  6. Anyone knows if it's possible to get these without having to resort to buying a starter culture?
  7. GO GUPPIES!!! my fish of choice as they breed fast, has different colours always if you let them breed openly and are usually quite hardy... usually....
  8. Mate i remember u wanting to do a sunken temple kinda look. ever considered putting the buddha at an angle instead of having it sitting straight? would probably work with the sunken temple look more, a lil more stones and a piece of driftwood would be nice i reckon.
  9. Does anyone on the forums have any? they have translucent fins and black eyes so they aren't exactly albinoes. No colour on the body though.
  10. ok i live up in auckland.. where the heck would i find one in the middle of a concrete jungle? unless of course my understanding of a trough is somethine entirely different... can't i just leave a bucket of water out during summer n pray that i get some daphnia.. lol
  11. PLease tell me that's a fish and not some sea monster... what the heck are those man!!!!
  12. so it's only useful for huge tanks then?
  13. hmm so now i've to find feathers... >.
  14. how does one get daphnia again?
  15. What are these? I'm trying to get my head around the first 2 systems and how it would work with a wet dry filter... now with the filter if i were to home make one, does it mean that the filter media shouldn't have water present around it? i'm abit confused about how the whole wet dry works.. i know that water is meant to drip down onto the media so that it gets oxygenised and then the water gets returned to the tank via a pump, but not really sure if the media is meant to be constantly dry.
  16. how about... ambulia cabomba (not sure if it's the same as ambulia since it looks quite similar) duckweed
  17. oooo ok ok.... i wasn't thinking of getting the guppies from the pet store as i do know that their quality is quite bad in some places. was thinking of getting it from a breeder off the forums.
  18. oooooo 2 years to get my wonderful guppies up and running then.... plans to grow my own brand of see thru guppies.... with wonderful tails... or something along those lines lol, been really captivated by the creepy see thru guppies thread that we have here...
  19. looking to do 50-60 litres to start off with?
  20. oh so fnzas holds competitions!??!?!? sweet....
  21. Do we have fish competitions in New Zealand?
  22. well i guess the guppies are the hardiest fishes u can find so guppies into new tank and that's it for me then... no need to waste time on fishless cycling...
  23. hey guys, I was just wondering what this actually does and why it's important to start doing something like this before getting fishes. Thanks for the info.
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