i got a baby blueontgue off trade me for 160 steal!!!! oh and for the substrate you can yous a paper base cat litter from the supermarket its in pellets
collbolt is a nice name hope it all goesd well hey check this site out
bluetongueskinks.net they have a forum with nz people on it and its all on blue tongue skinks check it out!
yeah aye lol i say to people that keep natives that the nocturnals dont need much uv id any at all and they say its not true and they need it buit my common will only come out at night
dont meen to hi jack the thread or anything but this guy on trade me said meal worms and waxworms are dangorous and not to feed at all!
and i dont think that is true is it?
as perpin said they need underheat all the heat matts i have seen dont have a gauge i bought a reptile 1 hea matt today for $20 but havnt tested it yet
i really dont think its true as charlie said maf would of seized them buy now it might be like that puppie skam going the sell you a puppy say the ship it to you you deposite the money BAM! no puppy