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Everything posted by herperjosh

  1. yeah i had those shaded ones as a lid once anything can rip them and the wear and tear so a gecko or skink could get out after a while and it needs to be double meshed to keep predators out
  2. lol i spelt it wrong and then my spell corrector corrected it as narrationally
  3. My common geckos did but aren't good narrationally.
  4. I ha native skinks at one point i reckon they are really cool.
  5. thats what i'll do BUT im making 10 enclosures so i don't just want to put 1 or 2 species in them all
  6. Ah thats why i don't want many natives so thats why its costing you. I don't want to keep heaps of natives as they are to expensive to feed. If i want a different species though i just have to tell the DOC person that issued me the permit. So i i don't really need one to let me keep all natives. But i thought that you have to go up in the ranks like keep for common lizards then rarer ones then endangered? not just all lizards at once.
  7. wait what type of permit were you applying for? Mine only lets me keep common geckos but i can just ring up and say i can get a hold of another type of lizard and they will let me keep it.
  8. Mmmm its quite strange you should ask if you can just e-mail the pictures :-?
  9. Thats a bit weird i said i was 13 and they put it under my name and didn't charge me! They just said i can take pics of my enclosure and send it to them. Oh and that A,B,C permit system they have the lady told me it was out dated and when i want a new native just to ask and shell issue me a permit for it. And $56 maybe you should try to get a job at a pet shop or a paper round. I volunteered at pets and vets and the lady i work with is trying to get me some pay work.
  10. I just put foam on the sides and back keeps it well insulated
  11. because then we could afford to test them and stuff like that
  12. yeah i guess that that would just encourage more importing. Damn i wish New Zealand had a better economy!!!
  13. Poor frogs they didn't do anything wrong a zoo coould of kept them.
  14. oh i thought bark would be as dangerous as the pine aspen
  15. they are in the members section if you arnt a member flick me and e-mail and ill send the pdf over
  16. i got some from boi sulpliers
  17. hey im the same age as you an i have a common gecko! to be honest if i put my gecko in somthing bigger than 60x30x30 i cant find it for monitor it commons are nocturnal so dont come out at day so dont need sunlight but still bask somtimes
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