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Everything posted by JarrenB

  1. Hi I have a number of coldwater fish but want to try something new, the first fish I thought of were fighter fish. Just wanting to know the basics, what size tank etc. :lol:
  2. hi I don’t have tropical fish but according to "Harry’s Practice" you cant cycle a tank without fish because its the fish waste or poo that cycles the tank. if you were to cycle it without fish for a week or so you wouldnt be cylcing it at all. so according to Dr Harry put in a few cheap fish like guppies or neon’s and let the tank cycle. :bounce:
  3. hi sorry my message was not very clear, yes my frog does have a light. what I was saying is theres no need to pay for lots of different lights and bulbs when all you realy need is one or two provided your frogs are keep in a warm room. also give them some moss to make a nest or bed with this will help. - although I am new to this website I'm not new to keeping frogs.
  4. hi, I'm JarrenB I have: 1 fat happy frog living in a fish tank with a mesh lid 10 goldfish living indoors in two tanks 6 goldfish in a pond outside 1 large golden apple snail I have in the past had axolotls. :bounce:
  5. I now have a frog that i raised from a tadpole all i did was feed it fish food, once its tail had gone i put it in a tank with damp moss a lid and a plant. it eats fruit flies and earthworms (small ones) i dont see the need for heat lamps and fancy lights as you dont see these in the wild! i hope it is not to late for your frogs :bounce:
  6. Hi I have 6 goldfish in an outdoor pond and only feed them every 2nd-3rd day if they get hungry in between feeding they eat the algae off the side, which helps me out with cleaning. Feeding them every day will mean poor water quality and cost you a lot in fish food. :bounce:
  7. Hi all, I currently have 1 medium size green & golden bell frog and are wondering what else I can feed him/her in winter when there are less flies around. :bounce:
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