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Everything posted by Wok

  1. Wok


    I got mine during the day in a freshwater stream. Don't need a torch to see them either.. just a good wide net so you can catch em... fast little buggers.
  2. Its amazing what you find out when you chat to people in fish shops
  3. Wok

    Finally Logged in!

    Welcome to the Forums Rebecca Don't forget to come join us in the Chatroom around 9pm and discuss with us live any problems or solutions you have with breeding. Kids should be in bed by that time... so make a nice cuppa and sit down and chat.
  4. yeah.. they would be the size of this dot . With regards to starving them..nah don't see the point.
  5. congrats Catbrat. So when do you start your new job?
  6. Pseudotropheus demasoni Cichlid Have a look at this http://www.timstropicals.com/Photo.asp? ... dex&bk=New
  7. I have only ever seen the eggs once and that was when the female was laying them. guppies can see them very well as they were following close behind and eating them :evil: they are small and clear
  8. How many females in the tank? do the platties know about Desperate House Wives? Men seem to die quite quickly in there so it could be the same in the tank. Then again I agree with Kookie... the females are picky or they are amazonian Platties... Mate once then kill the male.
  9. Wok

    Bolivian Rams

    a rock or a ceramic pot will do nicely
  10. what if you heat the water to say... 100% before disposing of it? should kill everything in it
  11. Lighten up BlueandKim... I don't think she meant to hurt anyone...I find it funny... 20,000 Litres being small :lol:
  12. looks like a convict cichlid to mee
  13. I think peanuts definitely meant rooms. the more the merrier. don't forget that it is not good feng shui to have fish tanks in the bedrooms. just keep it seperate and leave room in the living, dining, kitchen, hallway, basement, garage. that might just be enough room for the fish... oh as peanuts said 2 dedicated rooms would go well too. make sure u have a drainage hole in the middle of the rooms too... you never know when it can come in handy.. a big basin won't go amiss either.
  14. go for external. even try the jebao ones from deep blue aquarium.. Monaro1 has one and says it works really well... cheap too.
  15. My initial dose was a double dose. for fish I have in the tank see above posting. includes discus and clown loaches etc...
  16. yep.. that is what I have done... double the Initial dose... no problems and then another normal dose 2 days later
  17. My experience has been the same as Ronnie's I double dose my tank and then add a second dose 2 days later and leave it for a week. all the Black Beard Algae dies and so does riccia and twisted val unfortunately However my Discus, Kribs, Clown Loaches, Bolivian Rams, Bristlenose, Golden Bristlenose and Guppies show no signs of stress. I don't do any water changes at all for at least a week and there is no carbon in the filter either.... Flourish Excel .... Just works for me... done it twice in the past year. Guess it may work for some and not others. go figure :-?
  18. I only use fluvals and have not had any problems with them at all. Like Ira said just give a little shake to dislodge some of the air trapped in it. You can always suck on the outlet pipe to get the water going like what Snowman does with his eheims.
  19. Wok


    yep there are shrimp that you can catch in streams... went shrimping last weekend and got heaps but once again..WHERE ARE YOU?
  20. Yep Santa looks like he made a visit to your place ben :lol:
  21. Wok

    krib male????

    yep... my one does
  22. Wok

    krib male????

    looks female to me doesn't have the long pointed dorsal fin
  23. Wok


    That is normal for goldfish. some even eat the stones and use it in their gut to breakdown food
  24. Paul... isn't amy shifting out soon for uni? Could always convert her room :lol:
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