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Everything posted by Wok

  1. perfect for raising young killies
  2. Of course you can come Adodge. In fact anyone is welcome to come and see us. The first visit is always free.
  3. Hi All Tuesday is another great meeting of people of similar thinking. Just letting you know that we do have a meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. This years club subs are due now as well. If you live over the shore and want to attend, you are more than welcome Next meeting will be: Time: 7.30pm When: Tuesday 8 June 2010 Where: Green Bay Community House Barron Drive Green Bay Behind New World Supermarket Park in the new carpark on Barron Drive and the meeting is right next door so we hope to see you there. I am hoping that I will be attending this meeting, even if it means that I show up a little late and leave a lot early.
  4. Well done Bdspider, you can relax after today. I am sure that those that went on the shop Crawl today would of enjoyed it..... ... even though this morning was freezing, wet, and not to mention windy. Auckland was warm and a little damp when we arrived back at 11am this morning. Nice to be home. the Juwel 60 fish tank is now semi set up. Just need to do some aquascaping at some stage in the next few months. Tank arrived in one piece too. (thanks Pacific Blue) Now to decide where to put my 200L filter :roll: With regards to stories to be told...... .... Simian was a hit with the older ladies last night. ..... Stuart from Tauranga was late for the bus..... no surprises there. and the food last night was very nice with a large selection to choose from, even if the venue was a little small. Once again, thanks Christchurch Totally Tanked for organising such a fine conference. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  5. Now for the rest of you. Join up with the NZKA and see if you can out do Barrie for this coming year. As for you Barrie, I need to see some more breeding certificates from you soon.
  6. Only rained a little this morning then reduced to a light drizzle by mid morning, then it was just cold. Nice day to be had at Orana Wildlife park, and southern encounter.
  7. Well done to Barrie, for winning the Breeders trophey this year for his 14 new breeds of Killies
  8. Woohoo!!!! Great day today. Quick AGM, then a great talk by Donna M about her turtles. Visit to Redwood Aquatics then around to Donnas to see her beautiful turtles. and the weather was great. Then there were the raffles. Not much luck on the earlier ones, but what a streak of luck for the progressive raffle. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  9. Oi!!! What are you implying? I had to bring my own cake down. Don't worry, I don't eat much these days. :roll:
  10. What a lovely flight, the snow on the Alps was pretty. Very nice weather, sunny, NO wind, but still cool. La Porchetta for lunch today, YUM!!!! Cake made it down in one piece. Now waiting for registration while CTT are making sammies downstairs. Oh... the heater is now on too.
  11. Cake is in the containers, and in my carry on luggage. Sorry Zev, finger prints were inevitable.
  12. Cake is now Iced. Lets hope I remember to bring it down.
  13. Chocolate Cake is now out of the oven. Next step......Icing.
  14. If it is not warm, then hell has frozen over... :lol: of course this is nothing that cake, pumpkin pie, and good company can't fix
  15. ooh oooh....Pumpkin pie. There is hope afterall :bounce: :bounce: Managed to get out of the factory at around 11.30pm last night. today is washup day, as we can't do any juice production when I am away, and we are all stuffed from last night. So there is hope that I may be able to make cake tonight and bring down tomorrow. :roll:
  16. Not just custard The stuff that hits the fan too. :evil: I was hoping to be finished around 2pm today, and it is now nearly 3 and still have around 4 hours of production and then another 2 hours to washdown. I think I will be a grumpy boy tonight...... ... I hate 16 hour days.
  17. If all goes well at work tomorrow, then i will endeavour to make a cake. If things goes to custard like it has today, then no cake.
  18. Are you implying something Caryl? :roll: Then again.... I wonder if they have a pot and oven to borrow?
  19. Supasi Unfortunately, I think the plane I am going on, skirts around the west coast of the north Island by new plymouth, so doing a parachute drop won't be possible.
  20. no doubt Grant can also do a bit of wardriving around the top of the south Island too. So..... ... where is the free wifi spots? :roll:
  21. That means I have to find even more spending money than the $10 I have saved already So there is a baking competition too? Pies and Cakes?
  22. Bdspider. If you rig it, so that I win, I will share the fishfood with you.
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