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Everything posted by phoenix44

  1. ha ha yep! just realised that this has absolutely nothing to do with naming that fish, ha ha...
  2. the ban on short selling ends tonight for us. (WED 11.59 USA). the market is going to have one of the busiest days in history. so i would invest in the states at the moment, there are a lot of grossly undervalued companies (IBM for example). so there is money to be made.... just not by those who cant take some risks. but yeah the safest place for any money at the moment is a bank. wither that or upgrade your property while the market is low.
  3. NZ shouldnt loosen lending criteria - thats what caused all the american companies to go down. Frannie, Freddy and Lehman! Thats more than a Trillion dollars!!! since the NZ housing market is on the downturn - isnt it a good time to invest in property. for the long term that is?
  4. yeah, lol i wish more ppl would understand that. i get asked if deposits are safe every single day. ha ha...
  5. i was with Lloyds since i was born. then when i came to NZ it was only natural for me to go the bank with the same logo, ha ha.... I'm only 21 now tho... Rabo is the worlds safest bank innit ? AAA Rating... cant get much better, and not affected in any way by the credit crunch...
  6. cool! is it any good? i suppose we both have to say yes! :lol: :bounce: lol
  7. I work for a bank too!!!! and i study - doing a double degree in finance and international business. and i work in a pet shop. the bank is nice enough to not expect me to do all the tests and stuff immediately. i suppose i can get all of them done over summer when im not doing uni stuff....
  8. lucky lucky... tsk tsk... ive gotta write at least 8 pages on the credit crunch among other such intriguing topics, and then 3 exams! oh noes, im going to be a wreck for the next 27 days. =( why do you have exams heir?
  9. agreed! It is so frustrating to find "real" aquatic plants. Its roots are huge, and looks like it has been sliced off from the base. also the mud it was grown in is still visible on the root. so you're right. it probably has been grown emersed. will that make a difference to how it grows now that it is underwater?
  10. hahaha lol funny :lol: lucky school ppl. I'm in full on exam mode for exams! :evil: :evil:
  11. turn it up gradually! If they are not getting white spot and stuff, i dont think the temp will the main problem. U don't buy just 1 do u? What's the ammonia in the tank like. Is the tank planted? Hmm..weird. I don't like it when i can't fix clown loach problems,they are one of my favourites. Maybe someone else will some suggestions.:-)
  12. what temp is the tank at? keep it high with clowns. my tank is at 30 Celsius. Most people would that that is a bit extreme so 28 or so is good for them. beware though not all fish like it that high - it well... erm takes a bit of getting used to.
  13. damn. poor fish. not living a good life huh? tried furan?
  14. surely its not a goldfish? like a huge as one? lol
  15. big scales like a giant gourami or big scales like a silver shark?
  16. I was thinking - maybe it doesn't need to be completely submersed. I mean the 2 i saw today were about 2 feet high... Let it stick out of the tank. the new leaves will grow submersed and the older leaves will act as cover. perfect for breeding archer fish... hmmm.... The leaves are really robust - like a money plant almost.
  17. First you need plants. One can NEVER have enough plants. Ever. Then once that is nicely set up; you can get some fish to match those plants. :bounce: Hatchets look really nice in a planted tank. so do cardinals and rummy noses. Peaceful cichlids like rams and orange chromides add a dash of colour, and they love planted tanks. I can imagine the tank in my head - if only there was a way i could put it on here.....
  18. $16 each. i can put a pic of them up tomorrow if you like - ill just have to make a trip into work. That is if someone has recognised them for what they are and has snapped them up.
  19. Rusty tries, and tries and tries.... One day he'll get bitten.
  20. i saw one of her tortoise's a couple of months ago (I fit in my palm very snugly). they are really really cute ay. I was stunned to hear the market price though!
  21. the plant is available! I saw it today in p-north! and its huge!!!!!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: i wish i could fit it in my tank but the only way it'll go in there is horizontally =(
  22. Thanks! They are sooooo peaceful that i cant really see them do any damage to one another. Then again I have 5 (3 males, 2 females) in a 4foot tank and there are no problems at all. they are just way too peaceful. as long as you have plants and a place for them to hide from time to time they will be fine! :bounce: the guy in the pic is "Michaelangelo" he likes to think he is territorial so he flares up at the other dominant male in the tank. but then he just forgets about it half way through!
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