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Everything posted by melrick1

  1. Thank livingart! Yeh i love the new guy, i must say i have avoided african cichlids for years, but am enjoying them so much now ihave taken the plunge :-)
  2. Such an amazing looking fella, the picture just doesn't do him justice at all! Got him and two girlfriends today, seem to be settling in nicely :-)
  3. melrick1

    eye biters?

    Just wondering what everyones experience with eyebiters are? Have seen an amazing one in a store and love it. Didnt buy as i wanted to do.my research first. I know the name sudgests they are aggressive... But i hve a tank of yellows d blues who hang in the rocks, compatible or asking for trouble? 1.6m tank
  4. Hi there guys, I am new to African cichlids - I have only realy done south american fish in the past. But trying something new and bought a colony of electric yellows. What are peoples experiences with these fish, the inside tips that you dont get in the books and internet :-) Also looking at some electric blues and maybe some Demasoni. I think it would look amazing.
  5. Years ago the same happened to my young one, no reason at all. I'm hoping the food and good environment will keep my guy healthy. 70cm!!!! Now that is an eel alright! I think I saw him on a youtube video of yours, very cool!
  6. Cool thanks Henward. His colours are way better after he started on the sticks. I just cant believe how much they can put away!!!
  7. My eel has continued to grow, he is now 45-50 cm long. He comes to the top of the tank and sticks his head out to feed from my hand. He is eating shrimp stuffed with carnivore sticks (arrowana ones). Just wondering what everyone else feeds theirs? I only have a 4 foot tank and am worried it is becoming too small for what I have, really want to upgrade to a larger tank but with wedding and honeymoon the boss has put a hold on spending... Maybe I can find someone to swap + money (who knows). I am going to load some pics and videos once we have internet hooked up so everyone can see him :-)
  8. They are very territorial, lucky the tank is big but it is still not ideal. Trying to sort another tank, but need to work on the Mrs aswell :-(
  9. Yeh thats what I am wondering... They do it during the day so I havnt seen them in the act, but they have def paired up and chase all the others away. I am trying to decide to move my other fish to other homes and leave the oscars to it, would love them to have a decent chance at breeding.
  10. Well they just had another attempt, three days protecting eggs. They seemed to be solid white when laid again. But there were some clear looking ones, but they disapeared in the first night. Not sure if I have a dud female. They may be stressed with other fish in the tank, as they were showing signs of breeding for like two weeks pluss... Anyone know?
  11. Hi there guys, My oscars have laid eggs for the third time now, but when they lay the eggs - they are not clear like other cichlid eggs. They come out looking hard and white. Like just after they are laid. Normally if infertile they turn white in time... Has anyone had exp in this?
  12. I have just finished the Officer Selection Process at the Auckland RNZAF base - was the three day long testing and interview for potential officers. After the process I was told I am to be put through to the Selection board in Wellington which is exciting. Just wondering if anyone has gone through the 21 week officer training course? Or how long it takes to hear back from the review in Wellington? Mark
  13. We have a boy and a girl kitten that we bought a couple of months ago. Black haired common. We are now only aloud one cat as we are renting :-( so are looking for someone to adopt or baby Miely. She is the girl, full black about four months old, has been raised with out three year old son so she is very use to childeren. Infact she is very friendly and will follow you around everywhere. De-sexey, she has been wormed and flead 2x now in our care and have had no trouble there, oh and is micro chipped - so would need to change that when you adopt her. We wouldnt be asking for any money for her, just that she go to a good home with someone that will look after her. She is very playful and in your face so not for someone who just wants a cat to sleep on your lap all the time :-)
  14. A good combo is peanutbutter and nuttela on toast, mm mm mmmmm!!!! :sage:
  15. Nine get fed pellets in the morning and after noon, they also get fed shrimp at night. They have a big appetite and am hoping to auto feed them four times a day so that the others in the tank can get enough food, rather than one or two big feeds. Just wondering if anyone has used them for cichlid pelets size medium.
  16. Has anyone got one of these and if so any good? I have asked a few questions on TM if they are able to feed the oscar size pellets. Would be good givin them smaller, more regular feeds as I often have 12 hour shifts ext. Experiences would be good to hear. Mark
  17. LOL dont tempt me, I will get in trouble again haha
  18. Just got 10 adults yesterday and put them in a little paddling pool that has gone green and has mosqueetoes in it. Thought I could get rid of them with fish. Was told I cant have them in the pool lastnight by the boss, so went to catch them this morning. Was thinking I was going to catch 10 of them, not 110 of them :roll: So going to propose keeping them around the corner out of site
  19. Yes they are very cool fish, was looking at maybe getting a black ghost knife (as they are easy to train at eating pelets). Would love a big Notopterus tho
  20. They are both doing very well, the small one comes to the surface to eat and the large one is comming rite out of his cave to eat out of my hand. They go through three shrimp per night now. I am going to start stuffing them with the pellets and hopefully get them onto pellets at some stage. They have to compete with my greedy oscars though
  21. Possibly becoming a franchisor to one of the larger established companies.
  22. Have been looking into lawn mowing companies - Jim's Mowing exc and was wondering if anyone has had experience or know anyone who is in the trade? Very different to what I do now, I am a Network control operator and volly ambulance officer. Tips would be appriciated
  23. Success both are now eating shrip from my hand :thup:
  24. Woo-Hoo I have one of my fire eels eating shrimp :happy1: Now to try and tempt the others onto it.
  25. They are doing well, in their own tank, light on 24/7 and being fed on powder food (which I can see them eating - even when they are the size of pin pricks lol).
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