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Everything posted by markvs

  1. markvs

    Word Association

    more digging :bounce:
  2. This is the text of the reply to an email I sent to the makers of Phostrogen, Thank you for your question. I am unaware that Phostrogen was advertised for aquarium use. This must have been many years ago. Phostrogen is manufactured in the UK and we are the distributors for Australia and in New Zealand through Tui. Tui may have some information on the subject. You can contact them at [email protected] I can tell you that the original formula contained nitrogen in the form of nitrate only. This may have allowed it to be used in aquariums. However several years ago, in the face of severe competition from other fertilisers in the UK the Phostrogen formula was changed to include both urea and ammonium nitrogen as well as nitrate. sO i GUESS i CANNOT USE IT ANYMORE :evil: T
  3. Both I guess, but mainly fish, perhaps.
  4. Thank you for your rapid reply :bounce:
  5. re; getting rocks from rivers; I did once, and something in them killed all my fish :evil: they were all sorts, just starting to colour up... :oops:
  6. I was wndering, if it is not against the rules, if we could supply a listing of fish shops, especially for me, the Auckland ones. Whilst I might wish them to be rated, I recognise that would be both bised, and offensive to those not getting a good rating,
  7. I remember, a long time ago, that the label on the box of this fertyiliser said that it was good for aquaria. Does anyone have experience... Any thoughts??? I know it is a terrestrial fert., but with the manufacturers saying it was ofk. then??? :-?
  8. Has anyone tried them with neons? I used to have them in a tank with them only, and I ended up using them as Oscar food...
  9. we currently have a 4ft tank, for them, but it is only 1ft in the other 2 dimns.
  10. We have just purchased some lamprologus pulcher, and now have a larger tank for them. This of course leads to the question, What else will go with them?? Our thoughts are electric yellows, a bright blue type . But, which one
  11. thanks all, we have bought 6 as suggested, and they are all seemingly happy in their turtle tank ( we'll get a turtle later and then rehouse the pulcher.) They appear to enjoy live food, in contrast to what we have read about them.? thoughts?? :-?
  12. We are getting some lamprologus (or whatever they are today) pulcher, and having not had them before, want to know what is the best make up of an immature grouping. We are looking a about 4-5 so what is the best mix? I ask this, not even knowing if the fish will be mature enough to sex. As we go tomorrow, a quick ansqwer is appreciated. :bounce:
  13. What more can I say, those 2 say it all. Thank you so much.I had looked at the cichlid forum but I could not find a link hualaga to baenshi. Now, the bad news, It seems to look nothing like the fish we have. The3 2 we have look more like steindachneri, but even then it is a bit of a jump. Perhaps I shall have to figure out how to upload a picture. :bounce:
  14. I have recently purchased 2 Apistogramma Hualga's and cannot find any information about them. Even mr Google is not at all forthcoming. Soes anyone know anything??? :-?
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