:-? :-? :-? lost 5ft= 9 breeding Fronts , 3ft, 23 trophes -cherry spots, 3ft. africans x 25
major crack in floors (concrete has to be inspected yet) garage roof moved few inches over on uprights.
diner set, Grandmothers ornaments, old clock(over 100 years old,) plasma tv fel over works but sound goes up and down,'
night store heater bolted to wall in hall fell off, water cylinder twisted pipe water down walls behind power box down wall.
I know all can be replaced and we are alive but my Fronts were my pride and joy. just bloody gutted really.
but on up side "thanks to Navera for taking the only surviving 6 tropheus
also big thanks to Tarsha for rushing to my aid and taking the aro,borneo tiger, and choclates to her place (in my acrilic tank)
home to her place. without the help of these two wonderful people the rest of my fish would have died as no power, on for 3 days, water had to be turned off until pipe was fixed.
I rang Action plumbing in CHCH for assistance, they took my details and told me I would have to wait (did expect that too) but that as at West Melton (very close to epicentre) would occur a $45 call out fee, plus all work done on the day had to be paid for by credit card or efpos card before they would agree to come out. I gave them both AMI insurance claim number and earthquake commision claim no. too but they did give a toss.You would expect that from a one man operation not a huge company.
To JAE carpet people who came with 5 huge blowers to dry my place out thank you so much for speedy service. your just awesome.