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Everything posted by oneeyedfrog

  1. Hubby's brother in Aussie has both in side by side cages. He had the lorikeet first then rescued the cockatiel from the pool. They get on fine.
  2. They were listed as Bio Noodles and are brand new. They look just like the aquaone noodles except they are white not creamy coloured and maybe more brittle looking. They came in plain plastic bags. Perhaps they aren't even ceramic. I thought they were inert too which is why it took me a couple of days to figure out what was happening. The guys feedback was good. I have emailed him but haven't heard back. I guess you get what you paid for. Since removing all the noodles and giving a small water change the pH has dropped and stayed down.
  3. I set up DDs 4 ft goldfish tank last week. I couldn't be bothered going back into town ( 1 hr 20 min drive) so ordered Bio noodles off TM. Seeded the foam inserts in my cycled tank then packed the canister filter with the bio noodles After reading the threads here about PH and Imsmiths story of losing his fish thru using bricks thought Id better check the PH. I found it was steadily rising. Thinking it was my local sourced gravel I removed it only to find the PH was up again the next day. nearly 8. I soaked some noodles overnight in a bucket the ph in the morning was at the top of the scale 8.8! I am not impressed at all! :evil: I am so grateful that others had written here about their experiences as otherwise I wouldn't have checked PH and could have lost all our fish ( coz I put the leftover noodles into the filters on the other tanks) I guess they would be good if you wanted to raise the PH
  4. Wish I could! I live 1.20 hrs from town and have 2 homeschoolers (7 & 8 ) so I don't get the chance to look often or for long. Buying tanks in Ak is a good excuse though as I have to go alone to pick them up ( not enough room in the van Hee hee) and it's such a long way I have to go rest up at Mums for a couple of days and visit calming fish shops LOL
  5. I'm not sure if I like them- they are kinda creepy. Funny but I thought bristlenoses were ugly when I first saw them but now I love them. I may have to spend heaps of time in fish shops staring at the tanks!
  6. Just got a tank- for me this time! Yay! - about 200L 113 x45 x 45 Would like to make it a planted tank with three lined corys (6). Not sure what else - maybe a group of tetras. Possibly a bristlenose for aglae cleanup or is that too many bottom dwellers? Would this tank be big enough for this? Any suggestions? Do the corys prefer a darker substrate? would like to plan this properly this time! Thanks
  7. Ours are around that big ( one larger , one smaller) and they are around 18months old. At the pond we got the tadpoles from I haven't seen any big ones -all seem pretty small. Have seen bigger ones on the other side of the hill though.
  8. Hi, Yes we gave them some from the 2nd lot of fry. We are waiting till the others are big enough not to get sucked into their filter . we love that shop - in there every time we go to town. DD (8) got some ideas that perhaps she could make her fortune from selling guppies! LOL Meanwhile DD (7) has decided she would like a fishtank too and is naming all the guppies she wants to keep! Sigh :roll:
  9. Oh No! We have separated our males and females as we were getting overrun by guppies. No one warned us when we got the first two. Now you tell me that won't work either!! They are unstoppable super breeders!!
  10. Hi Mel We recently found out they are better in a group so we have been looking for some more. DD was upset that this one had died before it got to live with some friends. If we get more we will get a group and just keep them with the neons. Thanks
  11. Thanks for your responses. I told her that perhaps it was just old age. She's a worrier . BTW how long do they usually live for? It's frustrating when you cant pin down the cause - we dont want to kill anymore. Her sister is sure the guppy killed it . I haven't heard of a killer guppy before but I supose it could stress it. Would love to get some more coz they are great little fish.
  12. Hi, This morning DD's three lined cory "Kitty" was dead. DD's quite upset and would like to know why it died if possible. It was in a 50L tank with a small bristle nose , female guppies and neons. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 20 ph 6.8 temp 23 20 % water changes every 4 days. The fish had no marks on it and seemed normal last night. Lately it had been more active and the other week DD noticed the largest female guppy chasing it but we haven't seen that happen again. It had places to hide. Shame coz it was my favourite and today they were getting moved to a bigger tank. We were looking to get more but hadn't been able to find any. If anyone has any ideas . Off to organise the funeral....
  13. Hi, we have visited twice. The first time we saved up as we thought that we might never get the chance again to see these beautiful animals up close like this. The 2nd time we got in cheap with the home school group. Yay! I think they said there are only 90 white tigers in the world and they had 9 of them. Did you notice all the young white tigers were cross eyed? We too asked if they got bored. I agree that the conditions are not optimal but at least they have as much space as they would have in the zoo and the spaces were clean. The animals looked well cared for and they were building more enclosures. Where else could they live? I think that spraying on people is their entertainment!! I do hope Zion get their act together soon as it could be really great. The tour guides seemed to know their stuff and really care about the animals. An English guy told us how he got grabbed on the leg by a lion while working in an English park. He slipped and the lion went for him. He was lucky he was saved by another keeper that was with him. The lionesses were stalking our kids too. They were following 6 yr old DD as she was running back and forth. She slipped over and lion apparently asleep at the back of the cage leapt across the cage in front of her in a mili second. It was scary how fast he was!! Now I know how a mouse feels!! A keeper was alone in the cage with 7 young white lions and tigers trying to remove a bowl attached to the fence. To get to the bowl he had to turn his back on them and bend down. As soon as he walked into the cage all the animals were jumping on him (playfully) and he had to fend them off. He would throw something and they would run after it then he would try to remove the bowl before they all ran back to him. If they caught him bending down or with his back to them they would jump on him. The ground was uneven and wet and we were thinking how silly he was to take such unnecessary risks. He just had to slip over and they could have ripped him to bits. It was his choice to be in there and take those risks but we weren’t keen to watch!! I am glad I got to see them. It’s so sad that there is no where safe left in the world for them to live wild.
  14. Hi, I was into PNH years ago did a couple of clinics back around 94 ( I can't possibly be that old -surely not!)and it was expensive then! I have been looking to get back into it and have the same problem as you- lack of funds and time!( thats what having kids does for you! LOL) I have found out about the local savvy club. Looks to be good. The members get together for DVD evenings ,lessons and playdays etc. Had a lady visit yesterday who is coming back with some DVDs for me to look at and to show me some things and tell me how things have changed. So if you don't get to go to the clinic you may be able to join a local savvy club and learn that way. Good Luck
  15. Hi, Just got a new ( 2nd hand) tank 120 x 46 x 57 for DD 2 goldfish. It came with ug filters , an older Fluval 404 ( needs new aquastart and possibly impeller) and a sump filled with bioballs. See pic The tank will be in the bedroom so would like it to be as quiet as I can get it. Though DD sez she just gets used to the noise of the other 3 tanks and isn't worried about noise. I worry that canister filters fail they have the potential to drain the tank. The tank has an overflow box (?) in the corner with a hole thru the back of the tank a couple of inches up from the bottom. Could I block the hole and use this box as some sort of internal filter as it has pretty much the same volume as the fluval? How would I use this sump properly? Which filter would you go for? Thanks for your advice
  16. I'm not sure what the catfish is - some sort of corydora. Will any sort of corydora do as a friend for him/her? Heres a pic
  17. Hi, My daughter decided she wanted keep some goldfish and neons. So we got two tanks with the idea of one being warm and one cold. . However after several trips to the pet shop and not the best advice we bought a fan tail ( 5cm without tail) , a comet (6cm without tail) , a bristlenose , a catfish, and two guppies( as there were no neons). We aquired these over a couple of months. Now we have 50 odd guppies - and another tank for the fry. It's a real learning curve!! From reading the forums I realise I should have researched better before buying the fish. It seems goldfish need alot of space and comets shouldn't be in with fantails but in a pond. The tank they are in is about 100l but tall 60cm by 60cm. DD doesn't want to part with the goldfish so we are looking to get a larger tank within the next year and eventually getting the comet into a pond. How long can I leave them in this tank before upgrading? And what size tank should I get? The tropical tank is only 50l and DD would like to get rid of all guppies ( the pet shop is taking them) except 3 males and three females ( but keep them separate) and get 6 neons. We also read that the catfish prefer not to be alone and we should get another at least. I have been told I can keep the bristlenose (and guppies) in with the goldfish at around 21 degrees as she was bred in cooler water. Would you do this? Or will the goldfish be unhappy- the goldfish tank was warmer than this in the summer without a heater. How would you arrange all these fish? Otherwise if I keep just the goldfish in the 100l without a heater then the 50l would have 3 guppies , 6 neons, a bristlenose and 2 catfish. Is that too many for that size tank? I could then keep the other 3 guppies in the 27l tank. Thanks for your advice
  18. Hi, My daughter has three tanks . One tank ( guppies and catfish and several plants) became infested with snails so we removed the gravel to get them all out and we were surprised at the amount of gunk hiding in there. We had done vacuuming every two weeks but obviously not well enough. We are worried that this gunk would have ended up causing the fish harm. How do you clean gravel properly without disturbing the plants? MY daughter is keen on removing the gravel from all the tanks she quite likes the idea of a bare bottom tank as you can see if it needs a clean and its so easy. However how do we keep these plants now? Should we plant them in pots? and what substrate do we plant them in and will they need fertiliser? Is there any advantages to having gravel? thanks for your advice.
  19. Hi Lynnie How did you get on with your sump that sits on the tank? I was thinking about doing a similar thing and found your post while researching so I am interested to find out if you worked out a good system. Thanks
  20. Hi, We are first time frog owners We had eight frogs that morphed Jan/Feb. We ended up with 4 one eyed , 3 two eyes and one no eyed. I was quite amazed that the no eyed one (Stevie) has survived so far. we have kept him separately and hand fed him. Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed that they are all eating less and Stevie would go for a few days without a feed. Just over a week ago I gave Stevie and one of the one eyed frogs to a friends daughter. Since she has had Stevie he hasn't eaten a thing and she is getting rather worried. He is in the same tank he lived in here but now has another frog in with him. The other frog is eating . The room I had them in gets quite warm in the afternoon and at the new place they have the tank on an enclosed veranda. so it would be colder I wondered if he is just going into hibernation. The other frogs here are sitting around on the land part of their tank ( usually they spend most of the time in the water) hardly moving or eating. How long does hibernation last ? Will they not eat at all? Some of the frogs are looking rather thin- how long can they live for without eating? Stevie"s tank has an inch of water in it and several large rocks and plants for them to climb on. He used to spend a lot of time in the water. Will he need more land area if he is hibernating? Thanks for any advice- I really want reassurance and facts about hibernation for my friends daughter as she is worried that Stevie will die and she feels responsible. One eyed frog.
  21. Thanks MarkLB I think I have managed to sort out the pics. We have very slow dial up. Heres a pic of a one eyed frog - there are no scars just smooth skin and a dent where the eye should be Heres some of the no eyed frog Heres a couple of the two remaining tadpoles - very hard to see they both only have one "bump" If anyone would like a frog or two- email me. cheers oneeyedfrog
  22. well I finally got some pics The lastest frog to morph actually has no eyes at all. Sad How do I attach the pics? Thanks
  23. Well there were thousands of tadpoles in the pond when we collected these so they could have been hungry. Now there are only hundreds. Last week we went down to see if we could see any young frogs and there was a newly dead hedgehog floating in the pond. The tadpoles were having a really good munch on that and there is hardly any thing left of it now. so they must be able to get the flesh off somehow I will try and get a pic of a tadpole with one eye. They do have a mark there and it is kinda hard to notice but once they morph they have nothing there at all. This is our first attempt to keep tadpoles. We fed them once a day on frozen lettuce. Perhaps that wasnt' enough. With so many of them being deformed we guessed we had done something wrong. Cheers oneeyedfrog
  24. Hi, Do they really get their eyes bitten out? That's amazing! I might ask the owners of the property if they have done any spraying lately. We went down and checked out about 20 tadpoles in the fish pond and they all seemed to have two eyes. The kids were more interested in the hedgehog we fished out of the pond. So will have another look at more later I will charge my camera up tonight and try and post some pics tomorrow. Georgeous -We are an hour out of Whangarei at Whangaruru. Thanks for your replies oneeyedfrog
  25. Hi, The kids and I caught eight tadpoles from an old fish pond up the road a while back. We now have 6 wee frogs and 2 tadpoles ( golden bell frogs we think). Anyway 5 out of the eight only have one eye. We are pretty sure the tadpoles were like this when we got them. We will go and check out some of the hundreds still in the pond. Does anyone have any ideas as to what causes this? I wondered about pesticides? or could it be something we have done? Thanks for your help oneeyedfrog
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