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Everything posted by Ira

  1. It's a misconception that makes very little sense if you think about it. 1. Where would the air come from when surrounded by nothing but water? 2. What would happen to the fish if it suddenly became full of air? It would shoot to the surface at about 100mph and then bob around like a buoy.
  2. Ah, still use mah career pidjuns and thet's the way ah lahk it! Ah don't need none of these new fangled telegraphamajigs! Hehe, I haven't yet bought a cell phone, actually. All mine have been hand me downs from the wifey.
  3. If you can, I'd eliminate that heater section and have it in either the pump area in the fry area. Assuming everything is to proper scale it looks like it should fit at an angle. There's just not really any good reason to have the heater seperated.
  4. Ah, yes they probably would be wouldn't they? Where's the facepalm smiley?
  5. Now, someone needs to design a cell phone that can correct misuse of there, their, they're, bought, brought, two, to, too and apostrophes.
  6. Lemme just whip it out and I'll put my camera on macro...*Cough* I mean zoom aaaaalllll the way back to fit everything in frame! :oops:
  7. Are the meetings always on the second Wednesday? Might try to make next months...
  8. As far as a 12v supply for the fans, if you don't have a 12v wall wart laying around how about a 50w 12v halogen lamp ballast? They should put out 12v(One would imagine ) and you won't come anywhere near its capacity with a couple of fans. They're pretty cheap too, I picked up a 110w one for $14. If you wire it into the mains plug that powers the lights and can hide it in the hood it could give you a much tidier installation than having a second wall wart plugged in alongside the lights...Cut down on spaghetti a bit.
  9. They survive for a little while. A person will survive for a little while if you drop them in a desert too, but not forever.
  10. I think instant ocean has a better reputation than red sea.
  11. I think the fish will be better at avoiding the props than he'll be at avoiding...Well...Anything.
  12. Ran into a bad guy while not spinning and didn't have any gold rings left?
  13. Is it a slow blow or fast blow fuse? Needs to be slow blow otherwise it will go when you turn the light on due to the high current surge at they start.
  14. That sounds like a tight fit, but wouldn't need to be too much larger to fit a video camera and 2.4ghz transmitter...
  15. Close to mbuna, only 10,000 miles an ocean and two continents away from it.
  16. Bend the rules to be nice and you're the first one dragged into the firing line. Follow the rules and you just annoy people.
  17. Several of the bottled waters are distilled. Check the labels. I remember seeing one at Pak n save that definitely was, but it's been a while.
  18. Accusations lose their effect when you spell them wrong. Therefore I am forced to take your post as agreement with me.
  19. Don't bother with africans, the only cichlids worth getting are South American.
  20. I'm not sure why the concern over single vs tandem axle trailers? The suspension in both would be extremely stiff given that they're carrying 0 weight and the spring rates would be specced for carrying a lot of weight. But I'd think the tandem axles being generally higher weight capacity would be stiffest?
  21. I don't see why a trailer would be a problem as long as the tank is properly padded. Lots and lots of blankets or similar.
  22. They are not pleased... http://tinyurl.com/y9lo57m You can zoom out a bit them move up and down the road to get a more detailed timeline of events.
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