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Everything posted by kiwiplymouth

  1. Yes, I have kept that in mind. A few of these spare tanks may be needed as growing on tanks. I do already have 3 x 3 foot tanks for that purpose. Nothing get waisted as any young fish that are deformed or not suitable for sale get fed to Mr Oscar.
  2. I did have 8 tanks but i guess i just doubled that. Let me know if you ever have any black or leopard angels for sale. I would love to try and breed some of them.
  3. I picked it up for $400 inc 8 x heaters, 8 x internal filters, 1 x CF 1200 canister filter, lights, nets, food, air pumps etc etc. Ive got some white diamond angles that i want to breed and also some GBA and some blue acara. that leaves me with 5 tanks to play with.
  4. I couldn't pass this up coz it was a bargin. Now i just have to decide what to put in it
  5. Do a 50% water change to be safe.
  6. Just tiny air bubbles i recon
  7. I decided to take the eggs away from the parents and see what happens. I will let them do it themselves next time
  8. So why doesnt the copper from my hot water cylinder affect the snails when i do a water change? Does it affect your Killies?
  9. Ouch!!! I didn't realise that killies were that sensitive. I have been toying with the idea of getting a few.
  10. Funny you say that. I did notice a few days ago that most of they snails were at the top of the tank on the water line and I thought nothing of it at the time. Another warning sign committed to memory. Cheers
  11. Thanks. I would love to watch these guys do it the natural way but i dont have another tank big enough to house the other guys in. perhaps i could divide off 1/3 of the tank somehow
  12. 1 tiger oscar 1 black ghost knife 2 silver dollars 1 red tail shark
  13. I just had a look at the thin plastic coated wire that used to tie the suckers onto the heater holder(as the suckers were the wrong size). guess what.... its copper wire. that is probably the culprit. I knew copper was an issue with snails and i didn't check. Lesson learnt
  14. My severums have spawned and i would like to save a few fry. What is the best way to do this. Remove the rock to another tank? If so, now or in another day or two? Leave them alone and hope that Oscar doesn't get them? Any idea's greatly appreciated. Cheers
  15. I did use some lead to way down some courgette for the snails. and maybe the danio was unrelated
  16. I tend to agree. The new suckers are the most likely cause. It is not the water itself as i have 8 other tanks (1 with discus) and they are all fine.
  17. I have striped down the snail tank and will boil everything just in case it is a bug of some sort. The 4 females fighters are in a quarantine tank and yes i will be keeping a very close eye on them for the next week or so. Cheers
  18. I have had a small 40L tank up and running for about a year now. I originaly used it to breed danio's, barbs and swordtails. All that it has had in it for the last 6 months is breeding groups of mystery snails, apple snails, and ramshorn snails. Oh and also 1 small danio that i rescued from the bottom of one of my cannister filters. It has one small bubble filter and gets a 50% water change per week. temp is a constant 27 deg Today when i got home from work every single snail was dead and so was the danio. In the last few days I added 4 female siamese fighters that are still ok but have now been moved to another tank. I also put in some new suckers for the heater (clear silicone from the $2 shop) What the hell has happened? Any ideas? Cheers.
  19. I see that some Mustard gas fighters are on the auction site. Can someone please explain to me the main differences between these and other variations. Is it colour? Body shape? finage? or something else? Cheers.
  20. A few pics now that they are colouring up
  21. A few pics now that they are starting to develope more colour. Question: Some fry seem to have no pigment on their body or fins. Do they normaly turn out yellow, silver or white?
  22. I am after enough hardy Plants to plant out 4 or 5 tanks. I have plenty of amazon sword but anything else would be great. I would rather give you guys my money than the LFS as long as you are happy to post. Cheers
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