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Everything posted by livingart

  1. the puffers learn quickly to declaw the crabs, amazing to watch them take the weaponry off the crab first start off with small crabs that can't inflict too much damage are they the shoreline crabs another way is to pierce the crab first to kill it
  2. thats what i have been eyeing up run through coiled up alkathene pipe of a day to warm pond just let it cool down or stop overnight should start again next day build a trickle filter from a plastic bin
  3. yes bjorns old one they have battles evey now and again the agressor usually gets to stay with the jardini until the jar is rired of its tankmate don't know why it has gone off its food went down tonight and it ate a couple of prawns
  4. have a pump in there, but at the moment drain and refill is cheaper than the power bill trying to find a solar unit to put on it
  5. gone off its food at the moment the smaller one is still eating though even sails past the pinkies :-?
  6. pregnant male again mating in a 60cm deep tank lots of live food
  7. an update of enclosure for water dragons snake necks and reeves
  8. not stroking the ego, you are a gone burger anyway so doing the unexpected can change the result predators are used to their prey fleeing from them can nonplus them when it doesn't happen as normal watched a doco once where a hare attacked a fox, outfoxed it and got free
  9. goldfish probably don't need the heater
  10. cop ease confessing criminal :lol:
  11. caryl is a little flying angel ball if using a heater in the bucket ensure it doesn't touch the sides
  12. murray powell is a great man sadly there are very few truly wild habitats left for animals white lions and white tigers are just colour morphs, not seperate species very few white tigers are not hybrids of siberian/bengal crosses the white is a recessive gene so a bit of inbreeding is carried on to produce them imsmith if you run it is going to get you so you may as well go out in a blaze of glory die trying i say
  13. they occasionally pop out of the pairing she describes on the auction
  14. yes the siberian tiger is the real king pound for pound the leopard is the strongest and most savage yes dixon, in palmerston north one year we had an in season lioness go crazy in the show and start climbing the working cage during the show as she started to go over the top i climbed up and punched her on the nose, she went all crosseyed the trainer then grabbed her by the tail and pulled her down to the ground i jumped down and we then picked her up and put her in the safety tunnel before she recovered got a standing ovation from the crowd, all this while still dressed in my clown suit some people thought it was part of the act broke 2 bones in my hand adrenaline is an amazing stimulant, so is fear lucky i had my brown trousers on
  15. you need to talk to your lecturer, we had trained zebra in the circus mind you though the stallions are worse than any thoroughbred Ira the phsycology is interesting it mainly depends on the humans they have dealt with to a tiger that had never seen a man before we are just easy meat to a wild tiger that has been shot at before or driven in front of a beat we are to be avoided most well treated animals like you when you are the sole provider of food as david has said even your domestic cat can hook in sometimes you can sometimes bluff a lion by running at it yelling but you can't bluff a tiger or a leopard, probably the most focused and determined animals i have come across
  16. yes chilli some animals are exceptional like humans they all have different personalities at least with an animal usually what you see is what you get have seen some absolutely amazing animal handlers over the years but also some bad ones some of these wild animals are up to 50 generations in captivity spent 2 years living with either a tiger or a diabetic baboon in my caravan got bitten by the baboon a few times when he was irratable from the diabeties never got touched by the tiger, the only thing he would do is lay on me when we were fighting he didn't like me pulling his whiskers had me by the back of my head once but no pressure
  17. i have never seen that done in australasia before, but have seen a few done overseas mainly with cats used for mixing with the public, claims to justify it were that it was safer for the public and stopped the cats from injuring each other when fighting all cats use the front paws to pull an animal in, hold it then deliver a bite from the powerful jaws, usually a choke hold they are just like housecats some are laid back and will never put a claw out while some will hook in as quick as look at you the ability to understand the mood of the animal and not push it to the attack point is rare and even those training big cats for years have been caught the 2 magicians siigfried and roy, being a prime example of a tame tiger, playing up in the first show, then being used for another show a few hours later he baulked at walking onto the stage so the trainer forced the issue with a tug on the chain that cat turned on his handler so quickly that attendants were unable to react fast enough to stop it inflicting major damage from one bite to the neck the trainer recovered but will never be the same again one famous tiger handler had told his family that if he was killed by one of his tigers that they were not to kill the tiger as it would be his fault if he was killed not the tigers he was killed by his favourite tiger
  18. in todays age might be wise to take photos of and compile a record of problems with accomodation when you move in or they come to your notice this may help in future litigation
  19. he does push his luck but no luck involved when the ones he works are declawed does not go in cages with the wild pride check out the first series where they throw meat to the cats and they can't hook it into the cage yes i have trained and handled lions. tigers a leopard and bears
  20. enjoying your work is almost retirement
  21. yes some people are glamoured by the job, but when verbal promises are made (which is in itself a contract) they tend to feel sure of themselves yes the press do twist things to make a good story ex business partners, ex investors, ex partner, ex workers, ex mother ex plains a lot
  22. being professional at all times can be very hard especially with the time wasters 8)
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