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Everything posted by cichlid7

  1. sorry it was ment to say male not female i will edit it
  2. looks like a male peacock.
  3. cichlid7

    ID help

    it's so tempting :-? :-? :-?
  4. Just wanted to know if a pleco can live in water with a PH of 8.2 Cheers
  5. Could people that know how to care for discus fry please let me know as i want to know how to do it right. Thanks
  6. could someone who has breed and raised the fry before please tell me how to do so. Cheers
  7. Thanks could some one move this to the General breeding part or is this ok where it is. Thank you
  8. I just looked in my tank and saw some baby discus :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: About a week ago the laid eggs and when i looked later that day it looked like they were eating them again but they must have been moving them away from the filter I put polystyrene around the tank and turned off the light (like suggested by someone on here) What do i do now to care for them feeding ect... Thanks
  9. wow how thick is that glass :bounce: :bounce:
  10. I thought it was a blue Zebra but im not sure Here is a few photos
  11. not sure but it looks like a Electric Blue crossed with a Blue Zebra :-? :-? But im probibaly wrong :lol:
  12. deaf Desktop Computer or laptop
  13. niether wardly or JBL
  14. yep i got a male and female ive got them in a 4ft community tank at the moment Should i put them in a tank on their own Do i put stones on the bottom or leave it bare what sort of filter would be best also the temp. And what size tank The male is about 12cm and the female is about 14cm I gt the female yesterday from a mate and they became very friendly within 10 minutes. Sorry for all the questions Thank you
  15. Hi Does anyone Know how to breed Port Hoplo Catfish if so could you please let me Know Thanks
  16. go to crusaders on parkhouse Rd by the dump they are cheap i got a 35kg bag of White stones for only $10
  17. coke Jebo or Aqua One
  18. strawberry Lift + or V
  19. speakers PSP or Gameboy
  20. hair Fish or Turtles
  21. In ORGAMISM the E. Blues are $84.95 each BUT The E. Yellows Were only like $19.95 there is no way anyone would pay $99 for an E. Yellow
  22. the sea Turtles or fish
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