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Posts posted by flatfish

  1. .........i guess never did find the reason

    I've lost two medusas a year apart and I'm almost certain it was due to stress from dominance issues. They are delicate and die easily if they get stressed. If you change the dynamics of the tank, i.e. add more medusas or change the number of hiding places or the position of them after they've got used to it, then the dominant fish may hassle the others. That seems to be enough to lose a fish or two over a couple of days.

  2. Probably stating the obvious, but according to the experts at Planet Catfish, when flashs (L204's) grow to a mature size (around 9-10 cm - same for Iquitos but they seem to do it at a much smaller size), the males start to grow odontodes (small clear, thin spikes off each scale) on the back half of their bodies. If they have these they are definitely male.

    If I've got my sexing right on the smaller flashs: the females will have a more slender profile when looking at them side on (especially through the head area) than the males. The males will look chunkier through the head area (slightly broader when looking down on them and slightly higher through the back portion of the head when looking side on. Odontodes (clear spikes) are usually visible through the tail area in maturing males but you may have to catch them and look hard at them in good light to see them.

  3. how do you prepare it . ie; cook it freeze it, what do you add etc

    Dont cook the ox heart, but you do need to cut out all the outer covering, fat, tendons, valves, etc. to only leave pure meat.

    There are a lot of "discus tucker" recipes around, but I make up a discus food as follows (the recipe was passed on to me by someone who breeds a lot of discus):

    1.5kg ox heart (the pure meat as above)

    250 g fish (I use salmon)

    250 g cooked frozen prawn tails (use the small ones)

    2 tsp. spirulina powder (you can buy it from the supermarket)

    4 cloves garlic.

    I roughly mix it together and then double mince it through an ancient old mincer that I got from a second hand store and then freeze it in ice cubes trays covered with gladwrap. When feeding it out cut it finely when frozen with a sharp knife.

  4. I use quite a lot of native hard woods as the plecs eat plenty. I get mine from rivers as wood from river mouths/beaches can have a lot of sand in it. It's easy to find as it looks dark, sometimes almost black, is relatively heavy, and often has a sculptered look to it (I assume from years of water running past it). It can take a while to sink so its useful to have extra bits sitting in a bucket somewhere until it begins to sink.

    The shop stuff seems to sink immediately no matter how dry it is.

    Also both sorts will usually leach a lot of tannins into the water for several weeks. The fish seem fine with it, they may even enjoy it, but your water may look like weak tea for a while if you use a lot of it. :)

  5. too many of the US places ......... only send using Fedex

    that's a good point Wok.

    Shipping can be very expensive. But check with the supplier via email as many places only offer the expensive option on their website. However, when when you ask them via email there is often a much cheaper option, i.e. by sea, you just have to wait a few weeks to get it delivered.

  6. Hey all :)

    With the dollar being so high, some of the aquarium stuff is looking very cheap overseas (like water conditioner, test kits etc).

    Does anyone know if MAF allows these things to be ordered in for personal use if they are goods that are already cleared for sale here? (I don't expect them to let us bring stuff in that has never been approved)

    Not sure about test kits or water conditioner, but it may pay to check the customs website as to charges that may apply on some objects. I think there is also a price limit beyond which you may get stung for duty. I've purchased fishing gear from the states (bibbed lures, game swivels, reel handles, etc.) in the past with no problems. I've also purchased a small amount of aquarium gear (small powerheads and CO2 diffusers). I'll state the obvious but just remember that with electrical gear the US runs on 120 volts, so you'll need to buy an adaptor. Also if your thinking of buying a CO2 regulator, the fittings can vary depending on the country, and the US one is the wrong size. :wink:

  7. I've just got hold of a small amount of giant bamboo that I've cut into sections for breeding caves.

    It's been drying in a shed for several years. Do I just use it straight away or do I need to boil it or treat it somehow?

  8. How does everyone else feed their fish ox heart? I have one in the freezer and have been meaning to get it out and start feeding it but it would be interesting to find out what others do....

    Im thinking of just grating it frozen and just pulling a bit out and putting it into the tank when i want it.... sounds good? dont need to be cooked does it?

    I make up 'discus tucker' that's oxheart based. I double mince it then place it in ice cube trays in the freezer. Before I mince it, I cut the heart up and remove all tendons, valves, skin, etc. to just leave the muscle of the oxheart.

  9. On a side note, how does one anchor cucumber in their tank? I use a toothpick but whenever the BN starts eating on it it floats up and they run and hide. :-?

    This is probably overkill but I brought a set of stainless measuring spoons with stainless wire handles (shaped like a U) from the supermarket (about $5). Then I smashed the spoons of in a vice (they come of easily with a hammer). I then simply push the stainless 'staples' into the courgette or whatever food I want to sink and its easily sinks to the bottom.

  10. Did anyone purchase any of these pumpkin headed critters from Phil Collis when he brought in his Peru Imports?

    Just wondering if anyone else keeps them out there? And if there is a Sci name to go with them??

    Can you post a good photo?

  11. Sorry to hear about the losses. It never nice to lose fish and its difficult when your moving such a big distance. Goodluck with the remainder of your fishes and with settling into Hamilton. It's sure to have better weather in winter than Wellington.

  12. It's 1.46 x 0.64 x 0.62 - 0.32 x 0.32 = 0.476928 cubic meters = 476.928L (not allowing for glass thickness). You really need to use the internal dimensions.

    Hi Warren,

    Not sure if I'm right on this one as it isn't my area, but isn't it:

    1.46 x 0.64 x 0.62 - 0.215 x 0.24 x 0.62

    Each front "corner" has a triangle missing thats 24x21.5x32 cm. Two of them makes a 24x21.5 cm rectangle and then add the depth.

  13. hey,

    i was in a local pet shop today and saw an awesome fish like this...

    i believe it was a gold nugget pleco (i didn't write down the name!), it was $130, is that a crazy price?

    if it is where else might i get one a bit cheaper?

    thanks heaps.

    Thats a pretty good price for a gold nugget. If you're a member of a local aquarium club you could ask them for a club discount. Some shops offer discounts to club members. There's three main gold nugget species and they grow pretty large. Awesome fish though.

  14. I've had similar experience with Jager, I've only ever owned one and it stayed on and nearly boiled my fish. Same with one that my friend had. I've never had another brand of heater do that.

    I've never had a problem and was unaware of the bad batch. Hopefully they've recalled them all and sorted the problem out.

  15. I have found Jagers to be fantastic. Its easy to have a fair bit of money tied up in fish (much more than the price of a heater anyway) and I don't think its worth going cheap on heaters.

    In my 6 foot tank I use 2 x 300W Jagers. It may be overkill, but I figure if one heater ever dies the remaining one should go a long way to heating the tank, and each heater doesn't have to work as hard. I've found the temperature remains very stable throughout the year and the heaters last for years. I threw one out a couple of years ago that was working fine but was almost 10 years old, and I figured it was due for retirement.

  16. what a week in the week that was

    ..and now after seeing alot of uneaten food in the L226 tank/ pwrhead falling over and not working i decided to disturb the tank a little and look in all the caves only to find at least one male sitting on about 20-30 wrigglers

    wicked im stoked !!! would post some pics but im a bit hestiant to disturb them anymore than i have already will post what i can when i can in the future...

    so it can be done

    p.s fish boi sorry to hear of yr loss and i hesitate to put this on this thread but if any babies survive i promise if yr still keenyou can have first pick ...ok

    congratulations, that's awesome news. You may be the first person in the world to breed these guys. Clown plecs and flash plecs have been done, but I haven't seen a reference to Iquito tiger plecs (Panaque changae).

  17. Hey

    They are C. melanistius beverious(spelling). i have 10 adults lokking ready to breed but i have to sell all my fish so wont be able to breed my group


    Sorry to hear you have to get rid of your fish. They are great looking cories. I used to have three of them.

    C. melanistius brevirostris is the same thing as C. brevirostris. It used to be known as a subspecies of C. melanistius but was later given full species status.

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