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Posts posted by flatfish

  1. I'm writing a couple of Aquarium World articles and am after a good image of a clown pleco (Panaque maccus) and a small spot gold nugget (Baryancistrus sp. L81). Has anyone got images that I could use (with acknowledgements) for the articles. It'd be nice to just pull them of the web but there are copyright issues doing that. And a big thanks to those that have helped out already with other images. :bow:

  2. I should add that my royal is approaching 20 cm so a single algae wafer would be plenty if its small. If you want to see it feed during the day you'll probably need heaps of cover and low lighting otherwise it'll likely only feed when the lights are off at night. Try a range of veges. Mine quite likes kumara.

  3. cool

    my royal looks just like that!

    i love them, patterns are nice

    i just dont bloody know how to get them to eat extremely like arowanas:D


    i want themt o get big and fat quickly

    i put algae wafers but it is more interested in sucking the rocks and wood:D and walls of the tank

    what a waste of 13 bux

    Mine has grown very quickly. Keep on persisting with the algae wafers. Mine eats plenty of them. Seems to prefer Hikari but will eat other brands. Give them heaps of cover (bogwood) as well as they are relatively shy. If you buy another one look for ones that are in good condition, i.e. eating well. They are sometimes imported a little on the skinny side.

  4. I have mainly Panaques, including a reasonable sized Royal. All my plecos get fed in the late evening just before the lights turn off or just after. They will feed during the day but appear to feed mainly in the evening and at night. Their stable food is algae wafers (3 different brands), veges - mainly courgettes, and of course wood. Occasionally I give them small quantities of high protein foods (blood worms, shrimp, etc.) but only occasionally and in small quantities as their digestive system isn't designed to handle much of it.

    Your royal may take a shine to your plants, particularly swords if you have any, and the results wont be pretty. However sometimes they seem to leave them alone. Mine haven't touched Anubias, or Java fern, and I dont think they ate any crypt when I used to have it.

    Apparently royals can be fussy feeders (mine isn't) and can go off their food if they are intimidated by another fish.

    Give the royal at least one place to hide. Mine has taken up residence under a large piece of wood (the base of a small tree) with a large hollow underneath it.

  5. HMmmmm here comes the stupid question but how do you make the cucumber sink? I threw in half of a green cucumber yesterday for my guys and it just floated and course they wudnt touch it until it was anchored down under driftwood.lol Do you use a different type of cucumber?

    Great shots guys. Very nice plecos.

    You have to weigh down the cucumber (or zuchini for that matter) to get it to sink. Spear it with a teaspoon (handle first) and that should do the trick. I use stainless staples that I got from smashing the handles of measuring spoons.

  6. could drill a hole in clear plastic so water drains itself all sounds a bit dogy tho, can you return it and get a new hood?

    Unfortunately had it a couple of years so might not be able to get a new hood. Might drill a small in corner and get a plug for it. Not ideal but it should work.

  7. Another thing to consider and possibly unrelated is that although they appear armour-plated they have quite soft delicate bellies. That gravel looks like it'd be a little harsh on the stomach. It does look like theres some minor damage to the skin on the rear portion of the belly.

  8. Hi Sid,

    its most likely to be a clown pleco, Panaque maccus, as this species is small and fairly readily available. I guess you could say its a dwarf species compared to some of the larger more common plecos such as redspots or goldspots. Not sure why it hasn't grown much as it wouldn't need a very big tank anyway. I assume you've had some bogwood in the tank for it to graze on as all Panaques need it in their diet. Although apparently some of the pleco wafers contain it.

  9. wow i have two at 5cm and cant waite until they are 30cm ay.

    VERY unusual growth, normally 1-2'' per year...

    It will really slow down now.

    Yeah I'd been told they were slow growing. This one has a very healthy appetite and is in great nick so you never know. I certainly wasn't expecting that sort of growth.

    Dixon - they can apparently grow over 30 cm, perhaps even to 40 cm. When they get big they are the shape of a football with a small tail so the best is yet to come :D

  10. Nice fish! :)

    Are you sure they are the same fish because the markings are different! :)


    Thanks. :lol: I only have one royal. The first pic is of the juvenile patterning. As they grow the lines divide so they become more striped. The other pics are of the same fish getting the adult colour pattern.

    The fish is really quite docile compared to my other plecs but its certainly the boss of the tank. I can hold him on my hand easily and even with the other plecs they very rarely move.

  11. What a difference a year makes. I've been away off and on for almost a year and a few friends have been fish-sitting. I picked some of my plecs today and was a little shocked by my goldline royal. In just over a year its grown from 11.5 cm to 18.5 cm. Hopefully it'll be well over 20 cm in another year.






  12. sorry must be having a blonde moment. :lol: Getting confused with the L-numbers.

    The flash plecs (L204's) are all looking good and in great condition. They've been at my mates for a while as I've been overseas off and on for the best part of a year. I'll pick them up in a couple of weeks. Hopefully the smaller ones have matured up now and I'll have a few more adults.

    I've got a goldline royal in the same tank with them which I got out and measured last night. It's grown by 5 cm and is now almost 18 cm and looking stunning.

    i sold you six lol did some die?
  13. had my ups and downs with them. I've lost a couple and brought a couple more. Their challenging that's for sure and fairly stroppy. I've been away for several months overseas and are just starting to get back into it. A mate looked after your three while I was away for several months with mixed results but I now a small group including the fattest female I've seen and about 10 cm long.

  14. Thanks for the info guys. I'll increase the protein a bit in their diets.

    They are certainly delicate and need very high water quality making them difficult to keep. They dont handle being stressed and seem to need their space when they start maturing. I have one female thats in very good nick and theres no doubt that shes a bully.

    Unfortunately if they fight and one gets stressed and sulks they fall over easily. I think they need more space than some of the other plecs. Flash plecs for example live in wood piles in the wild and seem more happy to live in a group.

  15. Hi Firenzenz,

    I brought them originally to try and breed them. However after losing my second one I'm just trying to keep them happy at the moment. They can be stressful to keep - especially if they ever develop pale blotches on the skin. To be honest I prefer my Panaques. Their far hardier and a pleasure to look after.

    Well I've just noticed both your locality so I'd like to be the first to congratulate you on your joint breeding program.

    Please put me 1st on the list for babies.

  16. Hey Mincie. How many do you have? The problems I've had were with 4 individuals in a large (Aqua one) 3 foot tank (high filtration Fluval 205 + fluval 3+ internal) and no other residents. In both cases I had four and shortly afterwards three. If you've only got a pair then I think you'd be fine.

    Currently I have five in 2 groups. I'm also wondering what the best options is for feeding as well. They love bloodworms and will eat a home-made ox-heart based mixture, and at a pinch a home-made shrimp/vegetable mix. As for the Novopleco, Hikari algae wafers, zuchinni, etc. i'm not convinced. Any ideas???

    maybe i should up the anti i never realised theyre all tempromental, mine been living off bloodworms every other month lol jj but they dont get tht much maybe they eat baby guppies either way they look amzing every time i see them out but i think they need more food as they dnt seem to like the algae tablets, anyone got any tips for feeding these, i think theyre more a meat eater from what i read online ages ago?

    even better a link to any info on breeding/recorded breedings would be great :hail:

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