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Posts posted by flatfish

  1. Its been a while since I've posted but I thought I'd share a few picks of my tiger plecos (Panaque L002). My apologies for the dirty glass in one pic but I'm a little careful when working around them at the moment.


    One of the boys


    The girls




    The result

  2. I haven't had geos for a long time but I do have a couple of royals, one quite large. They are both food hogs but if you put the food down in more than one area of the tank it doesn't seem to be a problem. The main scuffles are with my big goldie pleco and my large royal but they pretty much leave the others alone.

  3. Its a very brightly coloured, and great looking carp. I've caught ones that colour (on a fishing rod :oops:), though much smaller in the Waikato River. Its a very large fish for a koi, but I've no doubt the photo is real. He probably held it out in front slightly to make it look a little bigger. Theres a big fishery for trophy carp in Europe and it think the world record is about 90lb. They very big ones are often a lot uglier than that one. Theres plenty of carp fishing articles on the net with pictures of very big fish.


  4. You'd get a Royal plus change for that amount. seem to be about $120 retail

    Will get to 25cm and if male will look like 'Flatfish's avatar in 10 yrs.

    I had him (the royal) since May 2007 when he was 11.5 cm. They can grow quick. Hes slowed down but is now 24 cm

  5. Chocolate zebras (Hypancistrus sp. L270) and King tigers (Hypancistrus sp. L066) are great looking, omnivores, and only grow to about 15 cm. You should be able to pick up a chocolate zebra and possibly a king tiger for under your budget.

  6. yes sorry we are off topic quite a bit. Maybe another thread needs to be opened up on royal plecos. My only reason for thinking that my fish may not be 190 is the eye which was never reddish in colour but dull. Maybe its a dull-eye??

    Strictly speaking once a fish is described it looses its L number, so Panaque nigrolineatus (very rough translation 'Wood/Canoe eating black lined') is more correct.

    Yes I agree that is correct but when you are dealing with so many variants of potentially the same species. L-numbers or regional names are useful to seperate them out, and many people identify with the L-numbers better than the species names.

  7. wow they let you hold them like that?
    These types of plecos have armoured plates covering their body and while I'm sure they dont like it for a quick photo its seems fine. The small royal on the left hand side was sitting on Chris Downs hand underwater while I took the photo.

    Hi Firenzenz, these shots are all the same fish. As he? got larger the pale lines started splitting into two and getting squigglier. It certainly looks a lot like your one. By all means contact me if you want to try them together at any stage. 8)



    As for agression. My big one shares a tank with a 15cm+ goldie pleco who rules the roost but they generally get on fine. There are also a couple of tiger plecos, and a female common bristlenose in the same tank.

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