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Posts posted by flatfish

  1. Hopefully you can cross one of the offspring to mum. A couple of backcrosses and you would effectively have L400's or at least some Hypans that are very close.

    By my reckoning a couple of back crosses would make it F3 but I take your point. We are unlikely to get any more L400's in the country so Firenznez could possibly develop something that was pretty close

  2. There’s a reasonable chance that fish shipped over two days will be OK if they are well packaged. Most fish are remarkably hardy. I had 12 young discus arrive after two nights in transit a few years ago. They all survived initially, although the three smallest were in a bag together, never grew much, and died within six months. The others seemed fine. I also had some plecos sent a while ago that were put in a chiller on arrival at the depot as one of the staff thought they were in a chillibin so they needed to be chilled. They were in there for most of the day as the staff couldn’t find the package. They were very cold and hardly moved but I warmed them up over about three hours and they all survived.

    In saying that I have had quite a lot of fish shipped over the years and only had two occasions when anythings gone wrong. Goodluck

  3. yeah Hikari tropical algal wafers are a great food for mainly vegetarian catfish or as part of the diet for omnivores. My goldies do eat a few of them on a regular basis and willl have a good crack at a piece of corgette as well but I also feed them shrimp pellets, carnivore tablets, shrimp tails and the odd feed of blood worms and fish.

    What do you feed your monster goldie on KP?

    The main problem with keeping more vegetarian plecos with the carnivores is that they will all eat high protein foods, often in preference to algal wafers, and a high protein diet is not good for the digestive system of vegetarian plecos. So a mango pleco and a goldie may get on OK in the same tank but while a high protein diet may be great for your goldie, it may eventually kill your mango pleco. I lost my big royal (28 cm) a while a go due to its fondness for carnivore tablets so I now only keep my carnivorous plecos together.

  4. Personally I'd go for L14. In my opinion they are a nicer looking fish and one of my favourites, although being a carnivore they may be a bad option if you keep them with more vegetarian plecos. Even the vegetarians seem to like a carnivorous diet although its not good for their digestive system.

    Great looking goldie KP and great to see they still look fantastic when approaching 30 cm. Mine are a fair bit smaller and younger. Heres my two larger goldies at 16 and 18 cm



  5. Hi,

    they are a great looking pleco but unfortunately it may grow to about 30 cm (see http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/_species.php?species_id=177). In the longer term you might be better finding a new home for your gold spot and getting a proper bristlenose such as the common bristlenose or a GBA (golden black-eyed Ancistrus). They are both easy to keep and dont get much bigger than about 12 cm. You can even get long-finned bristlenoses.

  6. nasty wound. Knowing clown loaches are sensitive to many things I searched clown loaches and salt and came up with the following:

    "If your loaches do happen to get whitespot during the quarentine period, do NOT use salt, it is very harmful to fish like clown loaches as it causes them a lot of osmotic stress, and since they are not the hardiest of fish to begin with, treating new clown loaches for whitespot with salt can easily finish them off."

    You might be better to transfer it to a hospital/other tank before treating it.

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