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Posts posted by Navarre

  1. If there are no fish in the tank

    add one shot of vodka to the tank every second day for 10 days then do a water change vacuming the snails out

    this should ...increase orgainic sugars...decrease available oxygen....fertilise your plants and ...kill the snails...maybe

    If you have a single fish then dont do it

    Whats wrong with snails anyway...they are self limiting...they get rid of the shite....and they turn your substarte stioping it from becoming anearobic.

    Of course once cycled you coudl just add mollies and or platties or guppies and not feed them....you certainly wont have snails for long

  2. My royal would be 15 years old easy well I have had him for 10 and John had him for a while before that and he would be around 30 cm.

    But he is feed heaps and in a 6 ft tank

    Great fish and despite spike on plates a gentle giant.

    You can pick one up locally for around 125-150 and will last a life time...cheap fish if you ask me

    However after seeing some choc zebs on weekend they are nice fish as well and then whilst you have asked about "plecs" there are other cats that can do as well. Some of the rare synos like the angelicus or the old farowella sub group all add substance to a tank

    maybe you could look at the hara hara or the bango cats as well


  3. I am sorry if you thought I was having a dig ID.

    I meant that there was a lot of discussion an age ago and will always be a roundabout as far as these animals are concerned.

    I was not suggesting that despite being a comercial memebr here you were trying to make a large sum of $$ off these animals.

    I was trying to congratulate you on what so far appears a job well done.

  4. Well seth I have pleanty of those that you are welcome to

    I guess a good comparsion will be Firenzenz fish as they came from me anyway. And with the NLS on board it will be interesting to see what they colour like

    I am not 100% that he is but i am not 100% that he isnt either.

    Hard to tell with some of these fish

    What a pity is is that you dont have a name and colony of them or xmas fulus...lol

    Sorry I digress

    Maybe the LFS can tell you where he came from?

    Tho I can hazard a guess

  5. sp44?


    My older Browns look a little like that when in good mood and feed well

    hard to tell as several names are used for tehse interchangably altho each describes a different sub species of Hap.

    For example the kyogo flameback describes a fish that has two scientific names one old nomicalture and the other new ...neither of which are allowable in NZ

  6. How come i didnt get a visit? feeling a bit left out :( shure they would love to come see me 5m salty crocks! :lol:


    I am sure they woudl see them right nextto teh Hyacynith macaws and the jacksons casue they are right down the path from my pigmy Blueys and lace monitors not far from the Blue iggies

    Like I said

    seen the lists

    Was looking forward to a frilled as well

    good thing about govet departments is that with the stroke of a red pen they change minds like whores drawers.

    just look at how Pharmac works

  7. Moot point

    for the last 6 years we have heard talk of and I have seen the list of "animals" that will have import standards.

    Monitors frilled lizards chameleons and the like.

    Now we hear that everything we keep will be outlawed and rendered inservicable if it is ecotic and if it is native you MUST be involved in a Uni/Zoo breeding program.

    laughable...no wonder smuggling is alive and well.

    20 years ago populations here were decimated because of teh euro market for our commons.

    What makes anyone think they are still not being decimated is beyond me.

    Just cause you cant swap natives for a pound or a chimp doesnt mean it still doesnt happen


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