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Posts posted by Navarre

  1. I am sorry for everyones losses

    as you know I have 70 tanks a mix of glass and poly

    lost a few fish each time and a few cover glasses.

    havent lost a tank yet

    not sure what I have done differentlyto others.

    Good teacher i guess

    over engineer tanks

    brace tanks

    poly under tanks

    stands braced to walls in fish room and 5cm from walls in house ( independent movement??)

    not sure why else

    25k damager form last one

    floor rippled like waves and busted TnG left right and centre this time.

    might be right off with 2 added

  2. Congrats

    you will need to strip fry from folks other wise they are just free food

    hard fry successfully raise but good luck

    use brine shrimp and micros to start then move up to grindals and white worms/lumbriculas

    once big enough other fry are also good

    once they are a goodly size you will need to start grading as they will devour each other as well

    Oh and happy for you to ship to me to do all the hard work...lol

    if not happy to go first on the list for some saleable sized fry


  3. to day I went to my fish room to find my Altolamp Calvus yellow pair deceased

    these are the only ones I am aware of and now they are gone

    whilst my S panamense fry are now a month old this in no way makes up for my loss today


  4. It has been a long time since I had fighters and I wasnt that good at it, but

    The more water you have the more room the fish have so the bigger they can get BUT you also have to be carefull because the food can get _lost_ in the extra room

    Also the more you change the water the harder it is to keep stable so the more work you have to put in to it to maintain parameters

    BUT the more water that is changed and the more food that goes in the fast fish grow

    having more volume early in the piece may not be the answer but having aged water good to go a few times a day might be

    Maybe seeing its hols and hot a water change 3x a day and feeding straight after might be a good comprimise

    only needs to be a small change each time

    say 20% or so...trial and earror untill you sort what work for you

    My discus fry used to get 200% water changes every day...but it was warm aged water and they were feed 6 times a day




  5. well i could have suggested that he read raymond opinhimers books about what would pass for a breeding programe but hey lets get real I mean it is nearly sat morning...lol

    or mendles oft misquoted works on beans and peas and the what not

    or axylrods work on geographic varients in "the" lake

    but then I am not a genetics expert and I can hardly spell at the best of times let a lone type...lol

    so line breeding is when you use a relative of your animal to "secure" a specific trait.

    lets cal that a virtue

    this might be as close as father daughter in some instances or cousins neice nephew so on.

    it can work very well to secure those traits that are seen as virtues but with every generation "in" you increase the risk of non virtueous traits or faults.

    so for example colour

    you use a "flashy dog to a flashy bitch to get flashy pups.

    virtue...you get chocolate box markings that make pups easy to sell

    fault flash to flash means youmay get "white" pups with have a high incidence of genetic diseases such as herditary deafness or are more prone to cancer.

    another example using dogs is a disease called avrc.

    this is a disease that enlarges the heart causing....well...death

    hetro positive=carier

    homo positie= got it

    negative= not got it

    line breading would be where you used a realtive of you dog or bitch to create a litter that is all negative so that they could them be mated to produce further negative puppies in later generations...of course you need to test each pup and each generation if you use a homo or hetro positive dog to work which are carriers and which are positives.


  6. I'm not being picky :D I just don't like the idea of line breeding. And it sounds icky too :lol: Imagine having kids with your cousin or sister :lol:

    Can someone please explain to me everthing about line breeding so I know more about it? I've only been keeping fish for two or three years so I know next to nothing about all this breeding/genetics stuff, and my opinions are based on what I have seen/read in the time I have been keeping fish :D I've only ever bred three species of fish in my life.

    its easy to explain

    line breeding if it works

    in breeding if it doesnt

    end of story


    you dont like the idea?

    how do you think every single species on the planet got specific traits that define those species

    consider for a moment if you will that one theory sugests that every blonde in THE world can be traced back to one family in scandinavia

    or if you doubt darwin that after the flood there was noah his wife their two sons and their wives

    and that they are related to adam eve and their two sons...hmmmm dad the boys and mum....you work that out

    well that about sums up line breeding

  7. you can put heaps of africans in a tank that size.

    depends if you want to breed tho or if you want colour that matches any marine

    you could go all male and have dozens of colours kicking around

    you could go speices only and pick a colour?shape?make...could be central south american or any african

    Native you catch em yourself or speak to other native keepers

    Sky is limit

    plant it up and have rainbows

    rock it up and look at brown haps or fryeri or marleri golds and the list goes on

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