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Posts posted by Navarre

  1. Great articles Stella

    Thank you

    Are you sugesting that the blue sheen may be linked to the pressence of more cone cells in the eyes than rod cells to help differentiate between light wave lenghts in low light and gloomy envionments ( or which ever way around it is) or that the blue sheen comes from a cell that emits a faint biolumenesence so that the eye works more in the style of an IR camera and can capture movment in near dark conditions?

    Great photos CodKing

    Nice fish arent they.


  2. And I am here as well...lol

    eh Caryl...lmao

    Welcome try the Totally Tanked page

    Good supportive crew and have local meetings

    And they are the nice people that Caryl talks about...lol

  3. I thought that as well.

    will be interesting to keep some and grow them out ( happy to help with that :wink: )

    However sold as occi golds so hard to know what to do with fry.

    One thing I notice with my guys tho is that with poor water stress or agro in tank they darken up heaps and almost go a chocolate brown. especially on the dorsum.

    I am wondering if you have seen your fish do this and it is a response pattern in fry?

    there are several varients listed but perhaps get RJ to cross post to Cichlid forum for a response if you are not already a member there?


  4. Thats pretty good advice John

    another couple of things to think about is that bigger bottles can cause an over dose as they can "dump" when pressure gets low..only happened to me once.

    a soda stream bottle can be just as effective as a bigger bottle and most comerical tank units will fit these without to much hassle but you need to fill them more regularly...but they are easier to hide than say a 3 foot tall tank used for running a pubs co2 system ( thats what I use)

    I have always prefered a diffuser rather than a ladder and this is personal preference as some have just as valid arguments for other types of introducers of co2 into the tank. Generally you are looking to intro the smallest bubbles possible for the longest time probable with the least water disturbence.

    If I have been running Co2 I have never run a filter on my plant tanks as ANY water movement will degas the water and in theory this includes co2 never compared it to a tank with a filter running but I have seen tanks with co2 and high filteration and co2 and they have looked specatular

    Finally if you are adding teh cost and trouble of Gas you woudl be remiss not to does micro nutrients and there are just as many IMO about this as there are about any other aspect of keeping water with planst and fish in it.

    worth the trouble for me and I think you will find the same.

    made my own PMDD but wouldnt bother now as you can source it thru many ppl here or other sites.



  5. Thank you for your post.

    This might mean however that smal "sips" of vodka may provide enough carbon to grow plants with?

    is that right?

    You have also not mentioned that carbon and alcohol and calcium carbonate ( the most common binding agent in tablets) may have interacted to intenisfy the reaction?

    Perhaps maybe possibly?

    Great post and notto long for even my short attention span


  6. Yes I, as those who know me, also run a low tech crypt and sword tank.

    this is a standard 3 footer with 2 old tubes and no filter pump or co2.

    and very few fish.

    SO while those other things are nice they are not a must.

    go with how it looks match and balance are the key


  7. yes I never vacum the substrate in my tanks and in the big discus tank only water change mid water collum

    this stops substrate being disturbed and fouling water and also allows excretment to become plant food.

    there is some risk around anearobic pockets but with good plant growth the roots take care of this quite well

    Over time...a number of years the substrate goes quite dark under the gravel and this is also a good sign in my tanks as this is the mulm feeding the plant roots

  8. LOL

    ok so there are lots of rules to planting a tank

    all are meant and are broken

    every one has a differeing opinon but I have found this useful

    put fertiliser base on bottom of tank..say a cm thick

    then sand about 2-3 cm

    and then a layer of fine gravel 2-3 cm

    fine gravel helps poo settle into sand and become fertilser and stops sand becoming dislodged when do water changes.

    also IMO looks better

    colour can be an indication of pH. you need to select to best suit your plants acidic, nuetral or alkaline

  9. I mix 4 teaspoons iodised table salt in 3 lt of water

    I then keep this in my room to come up to temp

    In a 1.5 lt bottle with bottom cut of jamed into a 2.25 bottle with top cut off( base) i pour about 1-1.2 lt of salt water .

    i then add 1 teaspoon of bbs and airate for 24-36 hours with an air line with no stone attached.

    I have a bit of lead on end of line to help it stay on bottom.

    Just syphon out what you want into a jug with an old stocking toe over it after letting it settle

    use finger to smear bbs hatch into tanks

    easy as

    have 2 going like this and one is ready each day

    I also use micro, grindal and white worms so I can "rest" fish


  10. I know several people who run dehumidifiers in fish rooms.

    keeps smell down

    makes spending time in room more pleasant and for a non subjective...yes everyone this is me being objective

    dry air is easier to heat than moist air so costs less....also running of dehumidifier along with lights and the like adds residual heat so dirty great big expensive inefficent heaters dont kick on and off quite so much but hey....why would YOU run one in your room?


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