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Posts posted by Navarre

  1. :bounce: :bow::hail::bow: :bounce:

    Another new speices well done Boban

    Good luck with breeding and I too would be quite keen on a few at some stage if you happen to have any going


  2. Of course I cover costs

    But I dont count time, food, heating, light, power, freight, bags, boxes, heat pads, tanks or purchase price of fish.

    I considered including in my sales price losses, chemicals and meds, % of set up like pumps and stands and paint and flooring and plants and substrate and caves and the rarity of the fish to begin with but I quickly discarded that idea and thought to myself

    "no no I shall just let the market dictate to me what the price of these fish should be I mean who am I to worry about outlay and expense when it has taken me 25 years to gain the knowledge and the networks to get the fish and then breed them before setting a $ value on them as well" and decided to just do that instead

    Well I mean dont you all do it that way?


  3. If you are starting out to breed for $$$ then you will loose.

    Start by breeding what you like and if you can sell some then so be it.

    From there look at other styles of fish

    I breed and sell 60 species of fish but I barely cover costs

    Yet I know of others who make a "killing" but then they are also not active here.

    Whilst I would like to earn more from this, it is a hobby not a business for me, so breed the fish you like and go from there.

    Good luck and if I can help let me know


  4. marinate 1 breast per person in a mix of seasoned plum sauce and ginger overnight

    bring to room temp

    lightly fry or bbq for 1-11/2 minutes per side or until just pink in the middle

    allow to rest

    Whilest still warm slice into 1 cm strips on an angle and across the grain

    Serve on a rocket salad with crispy noodles and thinly sliced pear (optional)

    or place on brusceta and pile salad on top drizzle with dressing of your choice


  5. Na ShiFu,Like most breeders n uself, mine just $150 fish food every 1.5 week, $400 power bills every mth, 5hrs fish time everyday, plus a lot of mouning frm wife, that's all.

    Man Now I know I dont need to move to your place cause it sounds like you have been living at mine....I remember when power bills were that cheap...lmao

    Worth every ..well nearly every cent tho



  6. So for the less subtle.

    yes I couldnt leave it alone

    I imported ten of these about 12 months ago

    One was lost is shipping and the rest were taken to my room

    I gave four away and they have since been removed from any possible breeding program

    I have two pairs I think left and they go thru the motions about once a month or so but I just can not get them to raise fry.

    So it is a work in progress.

    Stunning fish in the flesh and no pictures I have seen do them justice

    If an importer can gather more then I am up for it first of the rank.

    Mine are filamentosa as maculata are rarer in the hobby and is a location based varient.

    Both are very nice fish and well are a work in process...hmmmm

    Thats about it really


  7. I woudl go for Wet newspaper in quanties.

    Cheap easy to find and can be dug in

    If you use straw and hay then you may introduce more weeds.

    Sawdust can be good as well

    When we were kids our autum job was to dig old sand and sawdust mix (50/50) out of chook shed and spread on disused garden plot and then mix and fill chook shed up with a new layer...was fun but not pleasant....lol

    in spring garden was turned over and planted out

  8. baked potatoes we call you down here Mystic

    Brownon the outside

    White in the Middle

    Same as me tho Luvvvvee titi and stuff but cant stand hangi

    Draw the line at Kina as well

    grandma used to dig a hole on the beach and get all the kina that we found and put it in a sack and leave it for weeks then we would go back and all the spines will have fallen off then she woudl sit and drink those Kina like there was no tomorrow.

    Gagging just thining about it

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